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Title: | 新北市國民中學校長僕人領導與教師組織公民行為關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship between Principals’Servant Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in New Taipei City Junior High School. |
Authors: | 吳建緯 Wu, Jian Wei |
Contributors: | 郭添財 吳建緯 Wu, Jian Wei |
Keywords: | 僕人領導 服務領導 教師組織公民行為 Servant Leadership Organizational Citizenship Behavior |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 15:04:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討國民中學校長僕人領導與教師組織公民行為的實際情形,並了解不同背景變項的教師在知覺校長僕人領導與教師組織公民行為的差異情形,以及校長僕人領導對教師組織公民行為的影響。 本研究對象為新北市國民中學教師,共抽取24所國中,發出605份問卷,回收有效問卷502份,可用率達83%,問卷回收後分別以敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行研究,根據研究結果歸納結論如下: 一、國中教師知覺校長僕人領導之現況呈現中間偏高程度,並以「謙虛誠懇」的知覺最高,以「說服倡導」的知覺最低。 二、國中教師的教師組織公民行為之現況呈現中間偏高程度,並以「對學生之公民行為」最高,以「對組織公民行為」最低。 三、性別、現任職務、學校規模與學校歷史等背景變項,在校長僕人領導上有顯著差異,並以男性、兼任主任、學校規模49班以上與學校歷史21年以上的教師較高。 四、性別、年齡、最高學歷、現任職務與學校歷史等背景變項,在教師組織公民行為上有顯著差異,並以男性、碩士、兼任主任、學校歷史31年以上的教師較高。 五、教育背景、年資、本校服務年資等三個背景變項在校長僕人領導與教師組織公民行為上均無顯著差異。 六、校長僕人領導對教師組織公民行為有顯著的預測力,並以「謙虛誠懇」的預測力最高。 最後根據研究結果與結論,提出建議,以供教育行政機關、國民中學校長、教師及後續研究之參考。 The researcher conducted this study for the following purpose: (1) To explore the current situations of principals’ Servant Leadership(SL), teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) in junior high schools in New Taipei City. (2) To investigate the differences in the perceptions of principals’ SL and teachers’ OCB among the junior high school teachers with different background variables in New Taipei City. (3) To analyze the relationships among principals’ SL and teachers’ OCB. (4) To further analyze the predictive capability of principals’ SL toward teachers’ OCB. The study was based on the teachers in the 24 public junior high schools in New Taipei city. Of all the 605 questionnaires applied, 502 are valid. The probablity of the usable questionnaire were 83%. These questionnaires are analyzed and presented by using descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression. The findings of this study are as follows: 1.The points of junior high school teachers on the principals’ SL in New Taipei City are above the average. “Modest and Sincere” makes the best score, and “Convince and Advocate” makes the lowest score. 2.The points of junior high school teachers on teachers` OCB in New Taipei City are above the average. “OCB-defending the individual students” makes the highest score, and “OCB-defending the organization” makes the lowest score. 3.Four demographic variables, including gender, position, school scale and school history show significant differences in principals’ SL. Teachers who are male, work as the director of department, or work in large-sized school show higher perception of principals’ SL. 4.Five demograhpic variables, including gender, age, education, position, and school history show significant differences in teachers’ OCB. Teachers who are male, master’s degree, or with more than 31 years of school history show better performance of OCB. 5.Three demographic variables, including university, total serving years and serving years in present school, show no significant differences in principals’ SL and teachers’ OCB. 6.Principals’ SL is positively related to teachers’ OCB. In addition, principals’ SL has positive direct effect on teahcers’ OCB. “Modest and Sincere” makes the best score. |
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