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    Title: 青少年信仰成熟度、教會社會資本與利社會傾向之關聯性探究
    Exploring the Relationship among Faith Maturity, Church Social Capitals and Prosocial Tendencies in Adolescents
    Authors: 何之揚
    Ho, Chih Yang
    Contributors: 楊佩榮
    Yang, Pei Jung
    Ho, Chih Yang
    Keywords: 青少年
    Faith Maturity
    Social Capital
    Altruistic Prosocial Tendency
    Anonymous Prosocial Tendency
    Mediating Effect
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 15:01:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對青少年階段的個體而言,若能培養良好的心理健康狀態,則有助於其各方面的順利發展,更能讓青少年獲得過渡成人階段所需的成熟社會適應能力。為促進青少年社會福祉及心理健康,有學者認為除了降低負面行為的產生之外,更應積極鼓勵青少年在日常行為中養成有利社會之傾向。再者,有研究指出良好的宗教信仰經驗對於提升青少年的身心福祉有正向的影響,社會資本理論更進一步指出信仰組織中的同儕及成人關係網絡能引導青少年培養社會適應所需的能力,使得信仰成熟的青少年能將其價值信念有效轉換成實際的正向社會行為以及思維。目前有關青少年信仰的研究多集中於西方國家的脈絡,或者聚焦在探討宗教信仰參與行為對於青少年生活各層面的影響,但對於宗教信仰經驗以何種機制在青少年心理層面產生作用的部分則有待探索。本研究以台灣基督教會為例,探討教會同儕以及教會成人社會資本是否能中介青少年的信仰成熟度與利他及匿名兩種利社會傾向的關係。
    For Adolescents, having good mental health might contribute to their effective development in various life aspects, and furthermore, might foster mature social adaptation facilitating their transition into adulthood. Prosocial tendency development rather than reducing negative behavior in youth’s daily life is thought to be a more effective way to promote their social well-being and mental health. Research has shown that good religious experience has positive impacts on young people’s well-being. Social capital theory further indicates that interpersonal (peers and adults) networks in faith-based organizations may lead adolescents to develop faith-related positive social behaviors and thinking. Research of the effect of faith-based organization on adolescents’ well-being was limited in Taiwan. Using the Taiwan Christian Church as the study context, this study investigated the mediating roles of church social capitals (peers and adults) in the relationships between faith maturity and altruistic or anonymous prosocial tendencies.
    The convenience sampling method was used. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires administered in group-settings. A total of 319 Taiwanese church-attending adolescents aged from 12 to 21 years participated in this study, and in the statistical only 273 with complete questionnaire information were included. Result indicated that church adult social capital mediated the relationship between faith maturity and altruistic prosocial tendency. No mediating effect of church social capital was found for anonymous prosocial tendency, however. Findings suggested that professionals could consider including faith-related topics into group activities or programs, and could encourage adults to cultivate more guidance relationship with adolescents. More researches is needed to further elucidate the relationship between faith maturity and social capitals.
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