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    政大機構典藏 > 文學院 > 宗教研究所 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/76213
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    Title: 擴展道教醮儀的概念:以晚帝國湖北與江西的靈官醮科為例
    Broadening Notions of Daoist Offering Rituals: A Case Study of Late Imperial Numinous Officer Liturgies (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科) of Hubei and Jiangxi
    Authors: 費昭
    Feezell, Tyler
    Contributors: 謝世維
    Hsieh, Shu Wei
    Tyler Feezell
    Keywords: 道教醮儀
    Daoist Jiao Rituals
    Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer
    Numinous Officer Wang
    Daofa haihan
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:51:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文探索從《道法海涵》中挑出的集中於王靈官道教醮抄本,兩抄本的書名皆是「靈官醮科」,一本源自於江西1861年或1921年,另一本源自於湖北木蘭1855年或1915年。江西的抄本是第一章節的中心點,進而追蹤抄本作者寫作參考的可能源始資料,包括道藏裡的節選;第二章節以兩抄本作為儀式內容與架構對比。本論文的目的是觀察以前沒研究的地方醮儀,因此擴展學術界對此在華人社會關鍵的儀式的概念。

    關鍵字: 道教醮儀,靈官醮科,王靈官,江西,湖北,道法海涵
    This thesis explores two Daoist jiao ritual 道教醮儀 manuscripts from the Daofa haihan devoted to Numinous Officer Wang (Wang lingguan 王靈官). Both texts are titled “Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer” (Lingguan jiaoke 靈官醮科), one originating in Jiangxi 江西 in 1861 or 1921 and the other from Mulan, Hubei 木蘭湖北 in 1855 or 1915. Chapter one focuses on the Jiangxi text and traces possible source material, including Daoist canonical selections, referenced to compose the ritual. Chapter two compares the ritual content and structure of the two ritual texts. The purpose of this thesis is to explore local jiao rituals in a setting previously unstudied, thus augmenting scholarly notions of this pivotal communal ritual

    Keywords: Daoist jiao rituals, “Jiao Liturgy for the Numinous Officer”, Numinous Officer Wang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Daofa haihan
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    Texts in the Daoist Canon (Daozang 道藏)

    DZ 16 Jiutian yingyuan leisheng puhua tianzun yushu baojing九天應元雷聲普化天尊玉樞寶經, Zhengtong Daozang
    DZ 99 Jiutian yingyuan leisheng puhua tianzun yushu baojing jizhu九天應元雷聲普化天尊玉樞經集注.
    DZ 103 Yuqing wuji zongzhen wenchang dadong xianjing 玉清無極總真文昌大洞仙經
    DZ 196 Leiting yushu youzui fachan雷霆玉樞宥罪法懺
    DZ 219 Lingbao wuliang duren shangjing dafa 靈寶無量度人上經大法
    DZ 297 Lishi zhenxian tidao tongjian 曆世真仙體道通鑒續篇
    DZ 466 Lingbao lingjiao jidu jinshu 靈寶領教濟度金書
    DZ 544 Taishang cibei jiuyou bazui chan 太上慈悲九幽拔罪
    DZ 654 Taishang dongshen tiangong xiaomo huguo jing 太上洞神天公消魔護國經
    DZ 1032 Yunji qiqian 雲笈七籤
    DZ 1220 Daofa huiyuan 道法會元
    DZ 1443 Taishang yuanyang shangdi wushi tianzun shuo huojun wang lingguan zhenjing 太上元陽上帝無始天尊說火車王靈官真經
    DZ 1476 Soushen ji 搜神記

    Texts in the Corpus of Daoist Ritual (Daofa huiyuan 道法會元)

    1 Qingwei daofa shuniu 清微道法樞紐
    67 Leiting xuanlun 雷霆玄論
    77 Leiting miaoqi 雷霆妙契
    84 Leiting chuahuo zhang shizhe mifa 雷霆欻火張使者祕法
    85 Leiting feijie shizhe dafa yiqi shizhe dafa 雷霆飛捷使者大法一炁使者大法
    198 Shenxiao jinhuo tianding zougao liandu dafa 神霄金火天丁大法
    220 Shenxiao qianwen songchuan yi 神霄遣瘟送船儀
    233 Zhengyi xuantan zhao yuanshuai mifa 正一玄壇趙元帥祕法
    241 Leiting sanwu huoju lingguan wang yuanshuai mifa 雷霆三五火車靈官王元帥祕法
    242 Huoluo lingguan mifa 豁落靈官祕法
    243 Nanji huo lingguan wang yuanshuai mifa 南極火靈官王元帥祕法

    Texts in the Essentials of the Daoist Canon (Daozang jiyao 道藏輯要)

    DZJY 255 Chanfa daguan 懺法大觀
    DZJY 263.1 Taishang xuanmen zaotan gongke jing 太上玄門早壇功課經
    DZJY 263.2 Taishang xuanmen wantan gongke jing 太上玄門晚壇功課經

    Texts in the Compendium of Extracanonical Daoist Texts (Zangwai daoshu 髒外道書)

    ZW 483 Jiuhuang chaoyuan jiaopin yixi quanji 九皇朝元醮品一夕全集
    ZW 698 Shangqing lingbao jidu dacheng jinshu 上清靈寶濟度大成金書
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1011560092
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[宗教研究所] 學位論文

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