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Title: | 華航油價避險方法及管理之建議與應用 Management and application of fuel hedging for Airlines industry |
Authors: | 陳鵬宇 |
Contributors: | 郭維裕 陳鵬宇 |
Keywords: | 石油期貨市場 衍生性金融商品 油料避險 混沌理論 資訊不對稱 Crude oil futures derivative products fuel hedge Chaos theory information asymmetry |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2015-07-01 14:47:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 二十一世紀的前十年,是個對美國華爾街信心崩解的關鍵時刻,這裡群聚了全世界最聰明的人,絞盡腦汁設計了「衍生性金融商品」(Derivative),透過虛擬貨物的交易,創造了企業、組織與個人的最大財富,而在「雷曼兄弟」(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc)破產之後,大家開始省思此類金錢遊戲。
雷曼兄弟破產前,國際油價開始上漲,原因是除了傳統的石油市場外,華爾街投資銀行也介入這塊市場。國際油價向來操縱在石油輸出國組織(OPEC, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)以及兩大石油期貨市場,分別是來自紐約期貨交易所(NYMEX)的西德州原油(West Texas Intermediate,WTI)和倫敦交易所(IPE)的北海布蘭特原油(Brent oil)。
國際航空事業受到這波石油市場價格上漲的影響,陸續出現經營危機。過去穩定每桶10-30美元油料成本,最多不會佔航空公司營運成本的百分之三十,但是油價漲破每桶50美元後,油料成本突破了營運成本的百分之四十,航空公司開始調整營業策略,研擬成控(Cost Down)方案,調整營運策略,尋求節油方案。
利用油料避險(Fuel hedging)是國際航空公司最主要控制成本的方式,初期航空公司利用避險控制成本還能獲利,但是隨著油價逐漸上漲,航空公司逐步調高避險部位(portion),當油價漲破100美元時,華爾街分析師開始利用各種報告分析國際油價將突破200美元,已經被油價侵蝕獲利的航空公司除了提高油料避險佔現貨價格的比例,也逐步提高避險價位至90美元。
本論文除了利用統計學方法來分析國際油價走勢,同時也使用了混沌理論(Chaos theory)和資訊不對稱理論(information asymmetry)模型來分析華爾街因為人為因素介入,使得使用油料避險達到控制成本和固定成本的風險日益增加,未來在管理油料避險時,可以避免因為人為操作的道德危機所造成的經營危機。 The first decade of the twenty first century marked the downfall of United States of America`s Wall Street. People during this time lose their trust on the most famous commercial area, where the world`s smartest and most innovative people designed the "derivative products" that gave birth and fortune to corporations including Lehman`s Brothers Holding, Inc..
Prior to Lehman Brothers` bankruptcy, world market prices of oil rose brought about not only by existence of crude oil markets, but also by investments made by Wall Street investment banks. The world prices of oil is largely dictated by OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), NYMEX, WTI (West Texas Intermediate), IPE and Brent Oil.
Shortage of oil in the past was somehow due to international political and economic environment, and wars and economic sanctions, which led to increase in the prices of oil. However, due to such oil price hike at the beginning of the 21st century, more parties have invested in the industry.
When Wall Street investment banks entered the oil market, most of conventional rules and regulations involving such market were changed. Large amounts of investment reports, economic forecasts and trend analysis were used to manipulate the stock market, leading to oil price fluctuations.
Even the aviation industry was affected by continuous oil price hike, which gradually lead to economic crisis. Previous stable oil price of USD10-30 per barrel occupied at most 30% of an airline companies expenses. However, when prices increased to USD50 per barrel, expenses on oil took up 40% of the total operating expenses, forcing airline companies to adjust cost management strategies and cut down on costs.
These airline companies then resorted to fuel hedging to control not only costs, but also profits. However, continuous oil price hike led to growing dependence on fuel hedging. When oil prices reached USD100, Wall Street analysts started to use various report projecting oil prices to increase to USD200. This led to lower profits and gradual increase of hedging costs to USD90.
But, when oil prices reached a historical height of USD147, it began to plummet to as low as USD30. In 2009, international airline companies, which have hedged of around USD90-10, suffered losses ten-fold of what was supposed to be their profit ten years ago.
This study used statistical method, together with the Chaos theory and information asymmetry to make an analysis on the global oil price, and the causes and effects of the downfall of Wall Street. The risk management achieved its purpose, which is to control the probable causes and risks of fluctuation. Moreover, it may help alleviate the price manipulation on the world market. "摘要…………………………………………………………………………………1
第一章 研究動機………………………………………………………………3
一、 油價重挫航空業……………………………………………………3
二、 研究方法………………………………………………………………5
第二章 世界原油價格制訂機制…………………………………………………7
一、 世界原油市場的演變…………………………………………………7
二、 國際原油價格的制訂過程……………………………………………8
三、 避險還是招險………………………………………………………11
第三章 航空公司如何操作油料選擇權為避險工具……………………………15
一、 無法掌握的油價趨勢………………………………………………15
二、 自然避險……………………………………………………………16
三、 固定式避險操作……………………………………………………17
四、 彈性避險操作………………………………………………………19
五、 2008年航空公司鉅額虧損從何而來………………………………20
六、 小結…………………………………………………………………23
第四章 選擇權避險的數學模型…………………………………………………24
一、 數學模型的選擇權趨勢……………………………………………24
二、 科學原則的實證與否證……………………………………………30
第五章 混沌與資訊不對稱-油價為何無法以數學模型預測…………………33
一、 混沌理論……………………………………………………………34
二、 資訊不對稱…………………………………………………………41
第六章 結論…………………………………………………………………………50
一、 如何面對石油交易的質變…………………………………………50
二、 油料避險無法控制成本……………………………………………50
三、 以控制存貨來控制成本……………………………………………51
四、 油品市場的「資訊不對稱」風險高………………………………52
五、 華爾街的道德風險太高……………………………………………53
六、 回歸供給需求基本面………………………………………………54
七、 預測的未來是什麼…………………………………………………55
附錄一 油料市場與避險策略………………………………………………………59
附錄二 油料避險與基本財務概念…………………………………………………70
附錄三 航空公司油料成本控制……………………………………………………82
附錄四 航空公司避險決策探討……………………………………………………96
附錄五 王文淵訪談記錄…………………………………………………………102 |
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