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    Title: 股權結構與董事會結構對外國企業來臺 第一上市櫃承銷價及掛牌後績效表現之影響
    The Effect of Shareholder Structure and Board Composition on Offering Price and Operating Performance for Foreign Firms Primary Listing in Taiwan
    Authors: 朱純嬅
    Chu, Chun Hua
    Contributors: 張清福
    Chu, Chun Hua
    Keywords: 股權結構
    shareholder structure
    board composition
    foreign issuers to apply for primary listing of securities in Taiwan
    offering price
    operating performance
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-07-01 14:42:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自2008年起,「外國企業來臺第一上市(櫃)」(以下簡稱F股)的話題開始發燒,由於其組織結構較為複雜,資訊揭露亦較不透明,因此其公司治理即顯得相當重要。
    Foreign issuers applying for primary listing of securities in Taiwan as F-shares has been a hot issue since 2008. With the issuers’ complicated organizational structures and lack of disclosure transparency, these firms’ corporate governance may have economic significance on offering price and operating performance.
    Based on 67 primary listed companies with F-share in Taiwan up to 2014, this study investigates the effect of F-shares’ shareholder structure and board composition on offering prices and operating performance. The empirical result shows that: (1) the concentration of share interest has negative impact on offering price; (2) the share interest of institution investors has positive effect on offering price, too; (3) the scale of the board of directors has negative effect on offering price; (4) the share holdings of the directors and supervisors have negative effect on operating performance in short-term period, but positive in the long run; (5) the share holdings of the managers also have negative effect on operating performance in short-term period, but positive in the long run; (6) the scale of the board of directors has positive effect on operating performance in short-term period, but negative in the long run.
    In conclusion, both ownership structure and composition of board of directors under corporate governance have significant effect on F-shares’ offering prices and operating performance, investors may evaluate the firm value of F-shares based on their corporate governance.
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