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    Title: 以社會認定觀點探討心理契約違反與員工角色外行為之關係:中介與調節效果研究
    Exploring the Mediating Mechanism and Boundary Conditions of the Relationship between Psychological Contract Violation and Extra-Role Behaviors: The Social Identity-Based Perspective
    Authors: 王豫萱
    Wang, Yu Hsuan
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Hu, Chang Ya
    Wang, Yu Hsuan
    Keywords: 組織認同
    organizational identification
    psychological contract violation
    organizational citizenship behavior
    voice behavior
    proactive personality
    leader-member exchange
    task performance
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-06-01 11:00:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 心理契約違犯是員工在工作場域中感到被組織背叛的一種負向情緒狀態,過往相關研究多以社會交換理論為論述基礎,本研究採用社會認定觀點,探討心理契約違犯與角色外行為間的關係,以及兩者間的中介及調節效果。本研究選擇利組織公民行為(OCBO) 與建言行為來代表具挑戰性但對組織有利的角色外行為,並檢驗組織認同的中介效果。在研究一中,本研究共收集 235 份主管與部屬之對偶問卷,依據 Hayes (2013) 所建議的分析結果顯示,組織認同對心理契約違犯與利組織公民行為具有顯著的中介效果,而此中介效果對資淺的員工較強,且會使與主管交換關係較佳的員工展現較高的利組織公民行為。在研究二中,本研究進一步在兩個不同時間點收集 256 份主管與部屬之對偶問卷,控制員工年資與主管交換關係後的分析結果顯示,組織認同對心理契約違犯與建言行為具有部份中介效果,與主動性人格的三階交互作用顯示,越被動的員工對心理契約破壞的狀況進行向下比較時,心理契約違犯對組織認同的影響較強,而當員工績效較差,且組織內的同事也普遍沒有建言行為時,此中介效果會最強。本研究以社會認定理論為基礎,輔以團隊價值模式、社會訊息處理歷程理論、社會比較理論、及認知失調理論,延伸組織認同對心理契約違犯與角色外行為間的應用性。整體而言,本研究多數假設均符合預期,本文也一併討論研究結果對上述理論的意涵、實務管理建議、研究限制與未來研究方向。
    Psychological contract violation is an extreme negative emotional state of employee who feels betrayed in the workplace. Research on psychological contract has traditionally considered social exchange as its dominant theoretical perspective. However, this study argues that the relationship between psychological contract violation and extra-role behaviors can also be explained by the social identity theory. Organizational citizenship behaviors toward the organization (OCBO) and voice behaviors are used to refer to the organization-orientation extra-role behaviors. In study 1, data collected from 235 supervisor-subordinate dyads. Following the analytic steps recommended by Hayes (2013), the findings showed that organizational identification mediated the relationship between psychological contract violation and extra-role behaviors. For senior employees and those who perceived better leader-member exchange (LMX), the mediating effect was stronger to impact employee show more OCBOs. In study 2, data collected from 256 supervisor-subordinate dyads at two-wave time periods. After controlling tenure and LMX, the results showed that organizational identification partially mediated the relationship between psychological contract violation and voice behaviors. The main effect was stronger for those who are less proactive and making less unfavorable comparison. The mediating effect was stronger for those who are worse performed and perceived fewer coworker’s voice behaviors. This study combined social identity theory, group-value model theory, social information processing theory, social comparison theory, and cognitive dissonance theory to develop hypotheses. Practical implications, research limitations, and future directions were also discussed.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0983555071
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