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    Title: 地方美食餐廳之附加價值探討─以度小月及藍象為例
    An Exploration of The Value-added of Local Gastronomic Restaurant-Cases Studies of Du Haiao Yueh and Blue Elephant
    Authors: 張依婷
    Chang, I Ting
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Li, Ren Fang
    Chang, I Ting
    Keywords: 地方
    Du Haiao Yueh
    Blue Elephant
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-05-01 11:40:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣歷經荷據、明鄭、清領及日據時期,除了塑造出多元文化外,也打造出聞名全球的美食及小吃。從前經濟狀況不佳、人民所得偏低的狀況下,難免以追求生理上的溫飽、而非心理上的滿足為主,因此早期餐廳經營者在於視覺裝潢上缺乏設計美感。中國飲食隨著歷史發展,歷經百年千年之文化浸淫,底蘊是非常深厚的,但這樣的價值卻無法同等反映於經濟價值上,也因而無法提高顧客願付價格。因此,本研究著眼於地方美食餐廳,究竟該如何將地方文化素養融入視覺及設計風格中,使顧客感受之附加價值提高?主要探討下列兩個問題:
    一、 地方美食餐廳業者如何藉由產品、空間及街廓設計,加強其地方特色並翻新傳統地方美食?
    二、 地方美食除了料理本身美味、食材特有等特色外,對顧客之附加價值為何?
    為了解地方美食究竟是否能透過創新思維,以重新演繹的方式創造嶄新之附加價值,本研究個案各選擇文化底蘊深厚、地方美食名聞遐邇之台南與泰國之一,並選擇此地方上最具代表性之兩個企業─度小月(Du Hsiao Yueh)及藍象(Blue Elephant),作為個案研究對象。
    Because Taiwan was ruled by Netherlands,Japan and the dynasty of Qing,Taiwan has become a multiple culture country and be famouse for its snacks.Under the condition of low income,people in the past pursued physiologicalsubsistence rather than psychological,so the early restaurants lacked esthetics of visual decoration.The study focuses on local gastronomic restaurants how to integrate local culture into visual and design style so that upgrade the value-added of customers.The study will explore two questions:
    1. How local gastronomic restaurants improve their local characteristics and renew local gastronomy by the design of product,space and streets?
    2. What are the value-added of customers besides of the delicacy of local gastronomy?
    To realize how local gastronomy creates a brand-new value by creative
    Thinking,the study choose Tainan and Thailand which are famous for their long history,delicious gastronomy and abundant culture,and pick two symbolic cases- Du Haiao Yueh and Blue Elephant.
    The study discovers that owners of two gastronomic restaurants have deep memories and emotions for local cultures,and turn it into the spirit of spreading local culture.By integrating local culture into design of products,space and streets,customers can feel synesthesia.
    Therefore,customers’ and restaurants value-added will upgrade .
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    1. Diplomatie, F.(2010). Le repas gastronomique des Français au Patrimoine culturelimmatériel de l’Humanité.
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