題名: | 魯迅小說在華語文文化教學上之應用研究-以〈祝福〉為主要討論範圍 Teaching Chinese Culture Through Literature: "New Year`s Sacrifice"("Zhu Fu") and Other Short Stories by Lu Xun |
作者: | 楊雅雯 Yang, Ya Wun |
貢獻者: | 謝林德 Dennis Schilling 楊雅雯 Yang, Ya Wun |
關鍵詞: | 文化教學 華語文教學 文化意識 跨文化交際 cultural teaching mandarin Chinese teaching cultural awareness cross-cultural communication |
日期: | 2014 |
上傳時間: | 2015-05-01 11:36:36 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 在全球化的趨勢下,外語教學所強調的交際能力不再侷限於語言形式的相關技能,而是透過對文化的分析解釋,幫助學習者獲得更全面的溝通能力。文學作品透過各層面的文學想像,幫助學習者意識到實際交際的複雜性、模糊性。而文學作為現實生活的反映,往往會引起不同背景的學習者對不同文化與文明之間的共鳴,藉此了解跨文化交際間雙方對所處的社會現實不同的理解。 魯迅的小說作品刻畫出中國人的民族性格,是中國文化的可貴資產。他筆下的人物、歷史意蘊、文化色彩等,正好為學習者提供相應的語境,幫助學習者自作品中的社會交往符號和常規了解另一個社會的文化群體。然而目前華語文教學界在理論研究上對中國現代文學課程缺乏足夠的重視,故本研究旨在探討魯迅小說於文化課程上之應用。 本文採質的研究法,探討文學與文化於華語文教學上之運用,並以〈孔乙己〉、〈祝福〉、〈阿Q正傳〉三篇小說為討論範圍。文化課程實踐將以〈祝福〉為主,進行試驗教學,並根據其教學結果評估,適當修正〈孔乙己〉、〈阿Q正傳〉之教案。針對上述提及的魯迅文化觀之分析,本論文將從兩方面觀照:一、以魯迅的三篇小說為範圍,論述魯迅所批評的中國文化觀,並闡釋魯迅小說所傳達的思想內容。二、探討一九一九至一九七六年後文藝批評者對魯迅的評價及研究。 根據研究結果,研究結論有二:一、魯迅小說著作是提升華語文學習者之文化意識的重要素材;二、學習者能主動參與以魯迅小說為主題而設計的文化討論。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出相關建議:一、語言學習者的交際能力可能受限於目標語的文化知識。故為了幫助在台學習華語的外籍生獲得更全面的交際能力,結合台灣文學以及其背後的民俗意義於文化教學中,勢必能提高學生對文化的學習動機;二、語言作為一種符號系統,在編碼和解碼的過程中能反映某種文化意義,故結合文學的語言形式和文化內容設計閱讀課程是必要的。 With the trend of globalization, communicative competence in foreign language education requires not only the goal of communicative efficiency but the development of culture awareness. In other words, it is not sufficient for learners to know how to communicate meanings but to understand the practice of meaning making itself. Literary texts are products that reflect different aspects of society. For it is through literature, serving as cultural documents, that learners can sense the complexity and ambiguity in norms of interaction in cross-cultural situations, and thus to be sympathetic to a different country and culture. Lu Xun’s novels, analyzing specific “Chinese national characteristics”, had a great impact on how modern China looks in the past. Through the historical background, emotional resonances and moral imaginings embodied in Lu Xun’s novels, learners are able to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. However, literature has not been given much emphasis in the TCSL classroom. As a result, the purpose of the thesis is to explore Lu Xun’s perspective on Chinese culture and to apply its results to the practical use of teaching Chinese. A qualitative research method was employed to analyze Lu Xun’s novels and to exploit the novel called “New Year’s Sacrifice” in the classroom. In detail, the present thesis focuses on two discussions: (1) Analyzing Lu Xun’s novels: The underlying value orientations presented in “Kong Yiji”, ”The True Story of Ah Q “ and “New Year’s Sacrifice “will be discussed. (2) Analyzing critical appraisals of Lu Xun’s work in order to figure out how Lu Xun became one of the most prominent authors of modern China: Critics’ views in 1919 to the years after 1976 will be examined. Results of the study indicate that the multiple layers of cultural meaning in Lu Xun’s novels can raise learners’ culture awareness as well as motivate learners to discover the underlying concept of culture. Lastly, the suggestions developed from the discussions are provided as follows: (1) Negotiation of meaning often flounders because of a lack of understanding and trust of how to participate in different discourse environments. Thus, Taiwanese literature can be included in culture teaching for students who are learning Chinese in Taiwan. Through the cultural context provided in Taiwanese literature, students are able to acquire a much more sophisticated competence in the manipulation of symbolic systems and also to enhance positive attitudes toward Taiwanese culture group. (2) The interaction between language and culture should be considered as a substantial part of culturally oriented language courses. |
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資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100161004 |
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