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    Title: 《崩壞女神》 劇本創作與論述
    The Script and Creative Discourse of ``Wrecked Idol``
    Authors: 羅芽里
    Ya-Li, Lo
    Contributors: 陳儒修
    Ya-Li, Lo
    Keywords: 劇本
    woman’s film
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-05-01 11:29:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 《崩壞女神》劇本概念為為了演電影不惜跟導演上床的宅男女神,被宣告三年後不孕。透過宅男女神和生育議題,探討女性公眾人物和女性生命歷程,分析社會隱而不顯的性別歧視和女性形象。
    本文根據Joseph Campbell的神話學敘事濃縮Campbell的英雄之旅、Maureen Murdock根據女性角色面臨父權社會的敘事分析「英雌之路」和Blake Snyder提出好萊塢電影劇本的劇情轉折表。綜合四人的敘事討論,分析劇本的三幕劇架構。同時,邀請四位業界人士評閱《崩壞女神》的劇本,分析劇本劇情架構、人物設計和可拍性等建議。彙整專家的意見,提出回應並陳述創作理念,作為後續創作與拍攝的修正方向。
    The high concept of the screenplay Wrecked Idol refers to an Idol famous for her sexy body and eager to become a leading actress in film; however, she suffers from endometriosis, which might cause her infertility in the future. Based on the social perception of sexy female idol and life progress of woman, this screenplay discusses subtle topics such as sexual discrimination against woman and female gender image in daily life.
    Four types of storytelling techniques are introduced and employed to structure this screenplay, including Joseph Campbell, Christopher Vogler, Maureen Murdock and Blake Snyder. After the screenplay is finished, four professionals from various fields of film-TV industry are invited to examine and critique it. Their feedbacks become valuable sources from which this screenplay will be modified and improved to become a real one to be produced.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1004530091
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