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    Title: 探討LINE推播新聞之使用行為──以情境理論分析
    Understanding User Behavior in Push Notification News on LINE: A Contextual Theory Approach
    Authors: 賴合新
    Lai, Ho Hsin
    Contributors: 曾國峰
    Lai, Ho Hsin
    Keywords: 推播新聞
    Push notification news
    Using context
    Diary method
    Word cloud
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-05-01 11:29:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 各種行動裝置服務不僅便利了生活,也讓資訊的傳遞更加即時且無界。2012年起,五家媒體藉助行動通訊軟體LINE在台灣的高人氣,每日固定推播四則新聞,總訂戶數至今突破450萬人,儼然成為一個新興的新聞傳播渠道。
    Mobile devices and services facilitate our lives, and also assist in delivering information more freely and immediately. Since 2012, five companies send four pieces of news daily through “LINE”, which is the most popular mobile instant messaging application in Taiwan. Nowadays, LINE becomes an emerging news channel, with over 450 million subscribers in total.
    This study is mainly based on the context theory, by means of diary method and in-depth interviews, to understand users’ behavior of push notifications news in different contexts, from news receiving aspect, reading aspect and human-computer interaction aspect. Besides, analyzing the news headlines by “HTML5 Text Analyzer” to explore the features of different media.
    Research found that users’ behavior and attitude influenced not only by contextual factors, but also by the value of content. Moreover, the effect of contextual factors and content would be reinforcing (or restraining) mutually, depends which one influence users’ behavior and attitude more crucially. According to respondents’ feedback, the value of push notification news, such as immediacy and importance, were far from their expectations.
    News editors may plan to set up more than one official account to reach target audience; or to increase the diversity of daily news by existing accounts, making effort to meet demand of more audience. In addition, the headline should be more concordant with the content of the news. Keep improving the quality of content, taking account of context factors while pushing news, may improve users’ experience.
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