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    Title: 影響組織變革過程因素之研究-以我國行政院組織改造為例
    A Study of Factors Affecting the Process of Organizational Change:The Case of Organizational Restructuring of Executive Yuan in Taiwan
    Authors: 趙美珍
    Chao, Mei Jen
    Contributors: 吳定
    Wu, Dinp Ricky
    Chao, Mei Jen
    Keywords: 組織變革
    organizational change
    change management
    change leadership
    the Executive Yuan’s organizational transformation
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2015-04-01 10:13:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新千禧年伊始,我國政府進行了一項劃時代的變革。在2010年2月通過並公布了行政院組織改造相關四大法律,展現因應全球化浪潮及迎接世界各國競爭力挑戰的決心。然而此時,正逢全球金融風暴,美國經濟尚未復甦、歐債風暴充滿不確定性、全球景氣低迷、中國經濟成長趨緩等衝擊,而我國在此時啓動組織改造此一鉅大的工程,在組改過程中,必定要付出各種工作成本、混亂成本、不安成本、試誤成本等等,突顯組改工作的順利推動的確是一項艱鉅的任務。盱衡時勢,政府必須加快進程,讓行政院新架構,各部會新組織儘速成立﹔對於整併成立的新機關,業務順利無縫接軌更為迫切。如何以嶄新堅實的政府組織,來面對國內各種經濟、財政、社會等治理的挑戰,並因應外在全球環境變遷,誠為一項刻不容緩的課題。這次組改是60年來第一次大規模的中央行政部門組織調整,其困難度之高可以想見,包括相關配套措施的規劃、各方不同意見的整合,各機關如何進行逐步的融合與文化型塑等問題,在在都是主管機關所面臨的考驗。
    我國政府 2012 年起啟動的組織改造,由於行政院 37個二級機關整併為 29 個,勢必發生過去未曾有過的問題及不易解決的難題,甚至會衍生出更為複雜的員工問題。組織改造的過程,涵蓋了過去、現在及未來的因素。因此,本研究欲瞭解此次行政院的組織改造,相關部會組織變革過程之現況、成效及困難、影響變革過程之因素等。
    At the beginning of the new millennium, the Taiwan’s government made a landmark change in February, 2010 after the passage of four laws relating to organizational change by the Legislative Yuan. This event showed that the government decided to respond the globalization challenges and to increase national competitiveness in the world, It was the largest scale of organizational restructuring in central government in the past 60 years. Its high degree of difficulty, as one might imagine, included planning of restructuring programs, integration of opinions among involved parties, the problems of gradual personal adjustments and new culture shaping, and other related issues. All those issues should be considered seriously and solved by the related officials in order to promote the restructuring programs smoothly. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore the major defects of restructuring processes and factors affecting the processes of organizational restructuring in the Executive Yuan. And finally, the author would try to give some suggestions for the research findings.
    This study adopted both of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. It used the following methods to collect data: literature analysis, depth interviews, participant observations and questionnaire survey. The data collected from relevant departments of Executive Yuan revealed that there were a lot of factors affecting the processes of organizational change positively or negatively. The author eventually summited many suggestions for improving the processes of organizational change from the following five aspects: organization, institution, management, individual and environment.
    第一章、緒 論……………………………………………………………..…......1


    附 錄
    附錄一 訪談紀錄逐字稿……………….…………………………………………...322
    附錄二 參與觀察紀錄…………………………………………………………….....653
    附錄三 問卷………………………………………………………………………........698
    附錄四 組織調整規劃分組分工表………………………………………………..704
    附錄五 新機關籌備小組召集人名單…………………………………………….707
    附錄六 摘錄行政院人事行政總處主辦「啟動組織改造---再創職涯高峰分享會」之『組織改造好分享~行政院各機關組織改造成果』……………………710
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