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    Title: 行動應用程式廣告之行為意圖-以Facebook為例
    Understanding the Behavioral Intention of Mobile Application Advertising: The Case of Facebook
    Authors: 徐鈺婷
    Hsu, Yu Ting
    Contributors: 陳憶寧
    Chen, Yi Ning
    Hsu, Yu Ting
    Keywords: Facebook
    mobile application advertising
    behavioral intention
    decomposed theory of planned behavior
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-04-01 10:10:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新科技的變遷總是為傳播產業帶來新的變革,智慧型手機掀起全球通訊產業的熱潮,造就了行動應用程式新經濟,進而帶動行動應用程式廣告的發展。有鑑於過去研究缺乏以解構計畫行為理論的角度,來探討近年才趨於熱門的行動意用程式,更缺少應用在某特定行動應用程式類型之行為意圖。本研究將以Taylor & Todd(1995)解構計畫行為理論,聚焦於社群媒體廣告研究,並以在社交類型App的龍頭Facebook為研究對象,試圖釐清Facebook行動用程式廣告之行為意圖。

    本研究採線上問卷調查法,以非隨機抽樣中的立意抽樣(purposive sample)為蒐集資料的方法,以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)為資料的統計分析方法。問卷發放於Facebook以及台大批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)符合研究主題的討論區進行資料蒐集,問卷連結日期自二0一五年一月一日至一月十六日,為期十六天,有效問卷共計五百一十一份。研究結果發現:(1) Facebook App的知覺有用性、相容性和知覺娛樂性,與廣告整體態度無顯著關係。(2)廣告內容的「娛樂性」與「個人化」有助於廣告態度的影響;「資訊性」與廣告態度無顯著影響,「煩躁性」與廣告態度則呈現負相關。(3)人際影響、自我效能和廣告態度,與行為意圖皆呈現正相關。

    本研究證實,對於使用者來說,相較於電腦版使用經驗與習慣,Facebook App仍有改善空間。此外,Facebook App的廣告內容是否具有完整的廣告資訊已不再首要因素,重要的是,該廣告是否具有娛樂性質和符合個人需求,在不讓使用者感到困擾的情況前提之下,吸引使用者的注意、滿足使用者的需求。同時,本研究證實人際影響、自我效能和廣告態度對行為意圖的正向影響性。
    Technology advancement has brought many new changes to the mass media communication industry. Smartphones revolutionized the communication industry by creating the mobile app economy, which lead to the development of mobile app advertisement. Past studies have not taken the decomposed theory of planned behavior into consideration when examining mobile applications that have gained popularity in recent years, let along behavioral intentions, which apply to certain types of mobile applications. Keeping that in mind, this study will focus on advertising within the current social networking industry leader, Facebook, using the above theory by Taylor & Todd (1995), in order to determine the behavioral intention behind Facebook’s mobile application advertisement.

    Data used in this study was collected through online questionnaires using the purposive sampling method, and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The questionnaires were distributed on Facebook and sections within ptt.cc that fit the research purpose of this study. Online questionnaire was open from January 1st to January 16th of 2015, spanning a total of 16 days. A total of 511 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of this studies revealed that (1) the perceived usefulness, compatibility, and enjoyment of Facebook app are not related to attitude towards advertisement within the app. (2) Entertainment value and personalization of the content of the advertisement positively affects attitude toward advertisement. Informativeness has no significant impact, while irritation negatively affects attitude towards advertisement. (3) Social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards advertisement all show positive relation with behavioral intention.

    This research has proven that when examining user experience, Facebook app still has room for improvement in comparison with the computer version of Facebook. Also, whether Facebook app advertisement contains complete information is no longer the most important factor. Entertainment value and personalization, whether the advertisement can satisfy the above needs without troubling users, are now the most important points of consideration. Finally, this study has proven the positive effect social influence, self-efficacy and attitude towards advertisement have on behavioral intention.
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