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Title: | 澳洲防制人口販運政策研究 The Policy Study on Combating Human Trafficking in Australia |
Authors: | 簡玉屏 Chien, Yu Ping |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 簡玉屏 Chien,Yu Ping |
Keywords: | 人口販運 澳洲 性剝削 勞力剝削 Human Trafficking Australia Sexual Exploitation Labor exploitation |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-03-02 10:18:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 人口販運是一種古老的罪惡,且係為嚴重違害基本人權之犯罪,其可能以跨國境或國家境內的方式進行,為國際社會共同關注之人權議題,並可能發生於世界各個角落,究其成因不外乎犯罪集團猖獗,貪圖低價格的勞動力及為獲取高額暴利。在全球化的趨勢使然之下,象徵人口販運的古老奴隸制度不僅沒有消失,而且已經成為全球性的威脅,其已由跨國犯罪集團整體化經營,成為非法獲益龐大可觀之犯罪事業。 澳洲是南太平洋地區最重要的國家,而且還是美國在南太平洋地區的一個重要盟友,對於南太平洋地區國際局勢的變化有著重大的影響。從地緣政治角度看,澳洲是南太平洋地區唯一的大國,對南太平洋國家有舉足輕重的影響力,而該地區又是中華民國拓展外交空間的重要著力點,澳洲可說是亞太地區最重要的西方國家代表,具有關鍵性指標地位意義。澳洲在重大國際和地區問題上,長期追隨美國政策,該國亦為美國國務院連續多年評等為打擊人口販運最佳成效之第一級國家,本論文藉由探討澳洲防制人口販運政策,了解澳洲與東南亞國家人口販運之關係,並進一步研析該國因應作為與對策,透過澳洲於區域合作或國際合作間之角色與具體之合作方式,提供未來亞太區域國際合作之作法參考。 Human trafficking is an ancient crime and severely harms the basic human rights. It might occur worldwide, cross or within countries. As a common concern to the international society, the human right issue derives from the exchange of cheap labor to high profit which is grasped by the criminal gangs. Along with the trend of globalization, the symbol of human trafficking – the ancient slavery system – not only does not disappear but becomes of global threat and criminal business which is managed integrally by the transnational criminal gangs to gain huge illegal benefits. Australia is the most important country in South Pacific area. As a principal ally to the United States, she has paramount influence upon the international situations. From a geopolitical point of view, Australia is the only great country there and possesses decisive impact on the surrounding countries. To expand Taiwan’s diplomatic space, she is considered to be the force point and the superior representative of Western countries in Asian Pacific with the key indicator position. Following the policies of United States to her major international and regional issues over a long period of time, Australia is also ranked as Tier 1 by United States Department of State in consecutive years for the best outcomes to combat human trafficking. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the policy on combating human trafficking in Australia to understand the relationship with the human trafficking in Southeast Asian countries and further to analyze the countermeasures of regional cooperation or the role and practices of international cooperation to provide the references in Asian Pacific. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系戰略與國際事務碩士在職專班 101922013 103 |
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