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Title: | 台資商業銀行的東南亞發展策略 Southeast Asia Expansion Strategy |
Authors: | 鄭惠文 Cheng, Hui Wen |
Contributors: | 吳文傑 Wu, Jack 鄭惠文 Cheng, Hui Wen |
Keywords: | 東南亞 海外擴展 銀行業 商業銀行 Southeast Asia Overseas expansion Banking Commercial bank |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-03-02 10:11:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台資商業銀行的東南亞發展策略 Southeast Asia, precisely, ASEAN, is one of the most rapidly growing regions in the world. Banking sector sees enormous opportunities from ASEAN’s collective potential and expects it to play an increasingly prominent role in the deployment of overseas expansion and pursuing long-term growth. Through a comprehensive country-wise comparison based on selective criteria, this report proposes the strategic direction toward ASEAN market development, that is, selecting the target markets based on the size of economy, positioning the markets based on the major driver of the economy, linking the market positioning to main business areas such as corporate-banking or retail banking accordingly, and hence determining the recommended setup of entry including branch, subsidiary, or merger and acquisition.
In this report, Indonesia and the Philippines are positioned as “Franchise markets” which require proactive expansion strategy to develop both cross-border and local businesses with the proposed setup as subsidiaries. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam are positioned as “Network markets” which require proactive expansion strategy with the main focus on enhancing connectivity capability with the proposed setup as branches. Myanmar is positioned as “Strategic potential markets” whereas Cambodia, Brunei Darussalam and Lao PDR are viewed insignificant for the time being. Additionally, for the fast-growing markets or markets where organic growth method is not feasible, merger and acquisition could be a solution. 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background of Study 1
1.2. Scope of Study 1
1.3. Purpose of Study 2
1.4. Methodology of study 2
2. Overview of Taiwan’s banking sector 4
2.1. Market situation of commercial banks in Taiwan 4
2.2. Expectations and guidelines for overseas expansion 4
2.3. Banking sector’s current development in Southeast Asia 6
3. Overview of the ASEAN market 8
3.1. Overall country growth potential 8
3.1.1. Size of economy 8
3.1.2. Country competitiveness 13
3.1.3. Easiness of doing business 14
3.2. Corporate-banking business growth potential 15
3.2.1. Cross-border trade related business potential 15
3.2.2. Local SMEs business potential 21
3.3. Retail-banking business growth potential 23
3.3.1. GDP per capita and income growth 24
3.3.2. Private consumption 27
3.3.3. Mobile phone and internet penetration 29
3.4. Banking industry growth potential 31
3.4.1. Banking penetration 31
3.4.2. Banking sector financial performance 34
3.4.3. Banking assets growth forecast 38
3.4.4. Competitive environment and entry barrier for foreign participants 39
4. Market Entry Strategy 52
4.1. Target Market Selection 52
4.2. Target market positioning 54
4.2.1. Market attractiveness 54
4.2.2. Business focus for market development 55
4.3. Type of entity for market entry 58
4.3.1. Factors that affecting type of entry 58
4.3.2. Comparison of different types of entry 59
5. Conclusions and recommendations 62
5.1. Summary of the study 62
5.2. Other variables to be considered 63
Reference 66
Appendix 75 |
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