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Title: | 印巴獨立建國後衝突之歷史因素研究 The Study of the History Elements of the Conflicting of India and Pakistan`s Independence |
Authors: | 吳筱君 |
Contributors: | 邱坤玄 吳筱君 |
Keywords: | 蒙兀兒 喀什米爾 殖民 分治 東印度公司 巴基斯坦 印度 Mogul Kashmir colonial divide and conquer East India Company Pakistan India |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2015-02-03 10:33:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 印度,金磚四國之一,是現今世界上最大的民主體制國家,以其人口之眾,社會文化之多樣,資源與高科技人才之豐富,其國力在冷戰結束後迅速攀升,毫不令人意外。 但這個新興崛起的大國,在一個世紀之前,仍是個被嚴重壓榨的殖民地,喜馬拉雅山脈、伊朗高原與印度洋的屏障,無法使它免於外族的入侵。1498年,西方殖民者以葡萄牙人拔得頭籌,率先在印度建立海上殖民帝國;1526年,來自中亞的巴卑爾(Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur)在印度建立了南亞次大陸前所未見的強大帝國——蒙兀兒帝國(Mughal Empire);但1580年,葡萄牙衰落了,1707年,蒙兀兒帝國也衰落了,均由英國取而代之。自1757年英國東印度公司取得孟加拉,至1947年還政於印度,英國自這塊土地上長期的榨取,使得印度經濟落後、財富無止盡的外流,人民貧困、飽嚐亡國奴的痛楚。 於是印度人民覺醒了,在甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)、真納(Muhammad ‘Ali Jinnah)、尼赫魯(Jawaharlal Nehru)等知識分子的帶領下,從1885年國大黨(Indian National Congress)成立,主張制憲改革、爭取自治,到1947年,印度終於擺脫殖民地身分,獨立建國。但在這過程中,或因英國當局為便於殖民統治所採取的「分而治之」策略,或因印度社會本就存在的宗教差異、種姓差異,使得印度的獨立伴隨著印度與巴基斯坦的分治建國,並留下至今難解的喀什米爾問題,與衍生而來的核武競賽。 因此本論文試圖就英國的殖民統治,與印度社會文化特性,來探索印度獨立建國前、後衝突產生之原因。 India, one of the BRIC countries, is now the world`s largest democracy country. It is not surprised that India increased increased rapidly after the end of the Cold War with its population, diversitical social cultural, rich resources and high-tech talent. But a century ago, this rising country, was severely squeezed colony, the Himalayas, the Iranian plateau and the Indian Ocean, can not make it from alien invasion. In 1498, the Western colonizers, Portuguese, come out on top to establish a maritime colonial empire in India first; 1526, from Central Asia Pakista, Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur, in India established the subcontinent unprecedented powerful empire - Mughal Empir. But in 1580, the decline of Portugal, in 1707, the decline of Mughal empire, and the UK instead. Since 1757 the British East India Company obtained Bangladesh, 1947 returned to India, the land of the long-term squeeze from British, made India`s economic backwardness, endless outflow of wealth, the people poor and suffered pain. So the people of India to wake up at Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi), Jinnah (Muhammad `Ali Jinnah), Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru) and other intellectuals, led by the Congress Party (Indian National Congress established at 1885), advocated constitutional reform and autonomy. To 1947, India finally get rid of colonial identity, become a independent nation. But in this process, because of the policy by the British authorities to facilitate the colonization taken "divide and rule", or the religious differences in Indian society, caste differences, make India`s independence along with India and Pakistan partition founding and leave far intractable Kashmir issue, and the nuclear arms race derived. Therefore, this article will attempt to explore the reasons for India before independence in post-conflict arising by British colonial rule, and the social and cultural characteristics of India. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家安全與大陸研究碩士在職專班 101981008 102 |
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