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    Title: 評估俄羅斯菸盒警示圖文之警示效果研究
    Evaluation of Graphical Warnings on Cigarette Packs in Russia
    Authors: 安恩雅
    Tamurova, Anna
    Contributors: 劉文英
    Liu, Wen Ying
    Anna Tamurova
    Keywords: 警示圖文
    graphic warning labels
    fear appeal
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:31:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 評估俄羅斯菸盒警示圖文之警示效果研究
    Nowadays tobacco use leads to one of the most common reasons of preventable deaths. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, in 2012 Russia has moved to the first place as a most smoking country in the world. Since 2013 Russian government has implemented a variety of methods to reduce smoking in the country. There is not much research done to analyze one of these methods, graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, which were implemented in Russia more than one year ago. Therefore current study aims to evaluate how college students in Russia react on these warning labels. Using fear appeal theory and Witte’s Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM), this research explains the advantages and disadvantages of graphic warning labels in Russia. Focus group was conducted to evaluate each of 12 graphic warnings. According to the focus group participants, the paradontosis, stillbirth, oncological diseases, and prematurity were the labels that made them feel concerned. The participants felt that these topics were very important, as the pictures were unpleasant, scary, or disgusting. However, topics, such as impotence, suffering, and emphysema were evaluated as indifferent, irrelevant, and not impressive. Also it has been noted that there is lack of knowledge among Russian college students about the harmful consequences of smoking. Topics, such as early aging and impotence were evaluated as they make no sense and irrelevant to smoking.
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