題名: | 集合住宅取得綠建築標章之成本分析 -以銀級升黃金級案例為例 Analysis of costs of high-rise dwelling places to pass requirements for green building-to upgrade certified silver to certified gold |
作者: | 蘇芳儀 Su, Fang I |
貢獻者: | 孫振義 Sun, Chen Yi 蘇芳儀 Su, Fang I |
關鍵詞: | 綠建築標章 成本分析 銀級 黃金級 Green Building Marks Analysis of Costs Certified Silver Certified Gold |
日期: | 2013 |
上傳時間: | 2015-02-03 10:29:00 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 台灣推行綠建築十餘年,截至 2013年 9月,總計有 1150件案例通過綠建築標章,其中獲得銀級以上標章僅132件。相關研究顯示綠建築之造價成本,係開發商考量的主因,然而綠建築之造價成本在政府施行相關綠建築獎勵政策之餘是否真如此高不可攀?綠建築銀級標章提升至黃金級標章之升級造價成本區間為何? 本文透過模擬8個位於台北都會區之中高層集合住宅,由住宿類綠建築銀級標章提升至黃金級標章,試算各升級手法之造價成本,得到外殼改採隔熱性較好建材以降低外殼熱傳透率、固定耗能設備採用節能型之熱水管、採用透水鋪面設計、固定耗能設備採用淋浴浴缸及淋浴比例各半等升級手法不需花費額外成本;設計落葉堆肥處理再利用設施、加強樓板構造、將樹種(灌木)改為誘鳥誘蝶或台灣原生樹種、提高綠建材使用率、設計貯集滲透池或貯集滲透空地、設計廚餘集中收集設施並定期委外清運處理設施、固定耗能設備採用節能型之瓦斯爐、固定耗能設備採用節能型之熱水爐、提高窗戶氣密等級、選擇透光性佳之玻璃、選用隔熱較佳之玻璃等之升級手法則每坪約需增加0.22~327.99元,平均8個案例之銀級標章升級黃金級標章成本每坪最高為820元,顯示綠建築之造價成本並非如市場所慮高不可攀。透過適宜的手法選擇或建築規劃設計,皆可達到綠建築銀級標章升級至黃金級標章之標準,加上政府提供之相關綠建築獎勵措施,不僅其效益或可高於所需成本,亦能使台灣朝向友善環境及永續發展之理念更邁進一步。 Taiwan has been constructing green buildings for more than ten years. Until September 2013, 1150 cases in total passed the requirements for green building, of which only 132 obtained silver level marks and above. Related research shows that the cost of a green building is the main consideration of developers. However, is the cost of constructing a green building under the government’s incentives program really too high to reach? What is the cost of upgrading silver level mark to gold level mark? This paper takes 8 mid and high-rise dwelling places in the metropolitan district of Taipei, to upgrade them from their current silver level mark to gold level mark and try to calculate the cost of every upgrading method. Materials with better heat insulation property to reduce heat conductivity are considered. The fixed energy consumption equipment adopts energy-saving hot water pipes and permeable pavement design. Moreover, it makes use of a shower bathtub and fifty-fifty proportion of shower and bath to avoid extra cost. Fallen leaves compost treatment and recycling measures are implemented. Floor construction is enhanced. Tree type (shrub) is changed to the trees capable of attracting birds and butterflies or Taiwan native tree species. Improvement is done on the usage rate of materials, storage permeation pool or storage permeation space design, central collection facilities for food waste system and regular cleaning of the facilities through outsourcing. The fixed energy consumption equipment incorporates an energy-saving gas stove and energy-saving water heater. In addition, it increases the airtight level of windows and chooses glass with better translucency as well as better heat insulation property. An additional NTD 0.22~327.99 is needed for every 3.3 square meters for the above upgrading methods. The maximum cost of each 3.3 square meters for the 8 cases that are to be upgraded from silver to gold on the average is NTD 820, which shows that the cost of constructing green buildings is not as high as mentioned in the market. Through proper methods or planning & design, it can reach the standards required to upgrade from silver to gold level mark. In addition, with the government’s incentives program forconstructing green buildings, it cannot only make the entire planning more effective with benefits outweighingthe needed cost, but also make Taiwan move further towards an environment friendly living space with sustainable development. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 101257020 102 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1012570201 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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