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Title: | 土地開發的產權僵局-以松山二期重劃區為例 The Gridlock of Ownership in Land Development- An Empirical Study of Xinyi Planning District |
Authors: | 曾禹瑄 |
Contributors: | 林子欽 Lin, Tzu Chin 曾禹瑄 |
Keywords: | 土地開發 土地產權 land development land ownership |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-02-03 10:28:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 於臺灣之都市發展過程中,市場上時可觀察到已開發地區中存在空置或低度利用土地之不連續開發現象(Discontinuous Development),此情形於地狹人稠且土地資源稀少地區將可能產生資源浪費疑慮。何以土地於相同市場環境下呈現不一致之使用決策,其成因值得深入探討,針對此問題,個別土地開發時機決策差異可能為合理解釋之一。有別於以往相關研究由區位及實質選擇權之總體觀點或Evans(2004)所提出之投機及不確定因素等經濟觀點切入分析,本研究乃以個體觀點出發,由土地本身產權條件之非經濟因素為基礎,選定台北市松山二期重劃區商業區土地為研究範圍,觀察於區位、實質選擇權因素對開發之影響力因重劃機制而降低情況下,土地使用決策與土地供給面因素之關係,分別針對土地開發與否及已開發土地開發過程歷時長短、開發前之產權整合情形、未開發土地成因進行探討,進一步建立土地開發與土地產權條件之互動關係,將土地供給面之產權因素帶入土地開發行為分析中。 首先,配合我國之產權條件特徵,本研究以土地面積及所有權權屬狀態作為產權條件指標內容,定義土地面積越大、權屬越單純(所有權人越少、持分狀態越集中)之土地產權複雜度較低,對土地開發具正面效果,反之亦然。立基於以上命題,利用土地登記謄本標示部及所有權部、異動索引及異動清冊資料,整理1984年重劃分回至2013年底研究地區各筆土地之產權條件與歷年產權變動情形。並由敘述性統計、Januszewski Index、Simpson Index、吉尼係數(Gini Coefficient)及賀芬達指數(Herfindahl-Hirschman Index)呈現每筆土地之產權條件特徵。再配合建築執照存根之開發資料,透過Logistic迴歸模型將產權因素與開發行為進行連結。 由迴歸結果可觀察到土地開發與否與面積及權屬因素具顯著相關,當面積越大、權屬條件越單純則土地開發機率將上升,然而,由皮爾森係數計算結果發現土地開發過程歷時長短則似與產權條件無關聯。此外,土地開發前之土地產權整合行為以權屬整合為主,開發者之整合行為具兩階段論,其傾向優先處理權屬分散問題,次考慮最適開發面積之選擇。於未開發土地成因部分,藉由比較已開發土地與未開發土地之產權條件差異,可觀察到大部分未開發土地之面積確實較小、權屬條件較複雜,其土地空置之原因實可以反共有財困境(Anticommons Dilemma)進行解釋,當一資源之所有權分散於多個所有權人手中,則該資源易落入低度使用或空置之情形,產權分散將阻礙資源有效利用。由此觀之,則市場空置土地似可能受制於產權複雜之僵局而無法自主開發利用,於開發行為分析上若忽略此等因素將可能對未來開發趨勢產生過度樂觀之錯誤預期。 In the process of city growth in Taiwan, discontinuous development can be found in many markets. This condition, especially in the country with limited amount of land, will lead to the dispute over resource. Therefore, what makes development timing of individual land plots different may be the key issue that deserves further examination. Previous studies have found that option value, speculation, uncertainty are possible causes of discontinuous development. In addition to the macro and economic point of view, this study concentrates on land supply as the basis of research. The Songshan 2nd Land Readjustment Project, that is, Xinyi Planning District, where land is equipped with proper infrastructures is selected as the research area. This study takes advantage of this laboratory-like environment to investigate the interaction between land development and land supply. In order to identify land supply, this study uses land ownership information including size, number of owners and respective land share documented in land registration book as the index, and defines land plots with a larger size and fewer owners to be under a simpler ownership. This study proposes that a simpler ownership condition will have positive impact on land development. The empirical study is arranged as follows. First, the descriptive statistics, Januszewski Index, Simpson Index, Gini Coefficient and Herfindahl-Hirschman Index are calculated to show the configuration of land ownership over time. And the development statuses are identified based on the construction permit. Second, the relationship of land development and land supply is constructed by logistic regression analysis. The empirical results imply that the timing of developing land has a strong connection with land supply, and that land plots with a larger size and fewer owners tend to be developed sooner. However, the duration of development progress seems to be independent of these factors. Besides, there are two phases of the land assembly process. Developers tend to deal with fragmented land ownership first, followed by the consideration of development size. Last, the anticommons dilemma serves to be one possible explanation for the vacant or underused plots in the developed area. The anticommons dilemma indicates that if too many owners hold a resource jointly, the resource may tend to stay vacant or underused for the sake of fragmented ownership. The empirical evidence suggests that the vacant or underused plots appear to suffer from the gridlock of property right diffusion. In consequence, the expected development pace may be too optimistic if this gridlock is not taken into consideration. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 101257004 103 |
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