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    Title: 信義房屋內部行銷作為與員工心理擁有感表現之探究
    An Exploratory Study on Internal Marketing and Employee Psychological Ownership within Sinyi Realty Incorporation
    Authors: 呂至穎
    Lu, Chih Yin
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Wen, Chao Tung
    Lu, Chih Yin
    Keywords: 內部行銷
    Internal Marketing
    Employee Psychological Ownership
    Organizational and Brand Communication
    Sinyi Realty Incorporation
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2015-02-03 10:26:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在台灣以服務型為導向的企業都致力於滿足客戶與顧客的需求,以求提升利潤,其中,帶給顧客滿足的重責大任幾乎都是由員工來執行;然而,近年來越來越常聽聞員工的福利與權益收到忽視甚至遭到擠壓。由此推論,一個不快樂的員工如何提供令顧客滿意的服務呢?因此,除了重視外部行銷以外,更是要強調內部行銷的落實。所謂內部行銷就是企業如何將公司及工作有效地行銷給員工,就如同將產品與服務行銷給外部顧客一般。

    Service-oriented companies mostly focus on carrying out external marketing which aims to provide best services to external customers. Traditionally speaking, this way seems to ensure higher revenue for companies. However, they are inclined to overlook the importance of employees who are reckoned as internal customers when applied to internal marketing. Nowadays, it is argued that focusing only on external customers would not ensure prosperity of the company. The application of internal marketing, clearly the opposite concept of external marketing, aims to sell the jobs and the company to its employees. More and more companies, especially service-oriented ones, acknowledge that the firm itself is supposed to bring satisfaction to its internal customers in accord with organizational objective before delivering satisfaction to external customers since most financial transactions occur between employees and customers. Specifically speaking, behaviors of employees have direct influences on customers and their ensuing consuming perceptions. In this regard, service firms should put much more emphasis on application of internal marketing.

    This study chooses Sinyi Realty as the research target in an attempt to explore its practices of internal marketing and ensuing performances of employee psychological ownership. Realty companies in Taiwan intensively compete with each other and thus put more emphasis on external customers. As for Sinyi Realty, a locally-developed and large-scale realty company, its founder and chairman Mr. Chou, Chun-Chi not only focuses on providing best services, but emphasizes sustainable management which is different from making fast money addressed by other realty companies. Besides, it is worth mentioning that it is the only listed realty company in Taiwan and has been awarded by Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility many times. In this regard, this study adopts semi-structured in-depth interview to discover the real situation of internal marketing within the company. Most importantly, this study aims to explore performances of psychological ownership toward the company and the corporate brand among employees of Sinyi Realty. In fact, it follows two questions which are “how much do you feel the company is yours?” and “to what extent do you view the corporate brand as part of extended-self?”

    According to the case analysis, application of internal marketing found in Sinyi Realty exerts huge influences on employee psychological ownership, and also the impact of other critical factors cannot be underestimated. Based on the facts and discussion above, there are 8 derivative propositions in total that explicitly explain the relationships between internal marketing and psychological ownership; and other 3 propositions also manifest their close relations with psychological ownership for the organization and the corporate brand. Though these 11 derivative propositions are not discreetly examined by quantitative research method, they indeed present a general situation of Sinyi Realty and provide different research aspects for future study. At last, 4 managerial implications are proposed in expectation of enhancing the degree of psychological ownership among employees of Sinyi Realty by means of improved application of internal marketing.
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