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Title: | 定位性遊戲化機制的設計元素的影響力研究 An Examination of the Effects of Design Elements on Location-Based Gamification |
Authors: | 賴郁成 Lai, Yu Cheng |
Contributors: | 尚孝純 Shang, Sharon 賴郁成 Lai, Yu Cheng |
Keywords: | 定位性遊戲化機制 品牌體驗 品牌忠誠度 location-based gamification design element brand experience brand loyalty |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-02-03 10:18:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 此研究的目的是為了幫助企業更深入的了解並運用遊戲化機制,來達到提升品牌體驗及品牌忠誠度的目的。首先,此研究定義了定位系統結合遊戲化機制的七個設計元素:逃避、面對、幻想、技能提升、娛樂、競爭、社交、定位性,然後定義了品牌體驗的四個面向,包括:感官、情感、 知性、行為。 此研究採用準實驗設計,最後收集了來自238參與者的問卷,並且分別搜集了使用者對定位系統結合遊戲化機制的遊戲體驗前及體驗後對於品牌忠誠度的差異來做探討以及分析。 研究結果發現:1)定位系統結合遊戲化機制的方式可以改變使用者對於品牌的認知,2)幻想、娛樂、社交、定位性此四個設計元素對於品牌體驗有很大的影響力,3)情感體驗以及知性體驗這兩個面向的品牌體驗對於品牌忠誠度有很大的關聯性。 企業採用定位系統結合遊戲化機制的方式時,應重視應用程序的設計元素,並了解每一個設計元素對於使用者內心以及行為模式的影響。 The objective of this study is to help enterprises to better understand the use of location-based gamification to enhance brand experience and brand loyalty. Frist, the study identified the design elements of location-based gamification as: escape, coping, fantasy, skill development, recreation, competition, social and location-base. Then, four dimensions of brand experience were identified, these experiences include: sensory, affective, intellectual and behavioral experiences. Using a quasi-experimental design, this study collected data from 238 participants who join the testing program with pre and post-test of the effects of a designed location-based gamification application. The results show that 1) the use of location-based gamification can change user perception of the brand, 2) the design elements of Fantasy, Recreation, Social and Location-Base have a strong association with the brand experience and 3) dimensions of affective and intellectual experience are strongly linked with brand loyalty. Organizations adopting location based gamification should pay attention to the design elements of the application and understand its impact on various aspects of user behavior |
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