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Title: | 伊斯蘭教法社會福利思想之探討─以《古蘭經》和《聖訓》為基礎的詮釋 A Study on social welfare in Islam: base on Quran and Hadith |
Authors: | 劉柏君 Liu, Po Chun |
Contributors: | 蔡源林 Tsai, Yuan Lin 劉柏君 Liu, Po Chun |
Keywords: | 伊斯蘭 社會福利 古蘭經 聖訓 Islam Social Welfare Quran Hadith |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-01-05 11:21:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 於人類社會,自最初的濟貧行為乃至當代國家主動介入實施的社會福利政策,宗教中關於慈善的價值觀點與其所施行之慈善行為長期發揮著重要的功能。然而,於全球化與經濟發展日趨緩和的情況下,吾人也面對著必須檢討與嘗試削減社會福利支出之難題。在這當中,宗教所提供的社會福利並未因此缺席,其價值觀也仍持續影響著部分福利政策。而本研究之宗旨即在於探討伊斯蘭教法下之社會福利思想,以《古蘭經》及《聖訓》為基礎,展開伊斯蘭教與當代社會福利政策間的對話。 本研究採經典文獻分析法,整理及分析伊斯蘭教的主要法源:《古蘭經》、《布哈里聖訓集》與《穆斯林聖訓集》三大全本,並以伊斯蘭傳統教法學分析其社會福利思想與措施,包含「宗教功修」、「家庭關係」與「繼承和經濟系統」,扒梳整理伊斯蘭教的特點,藉此理解伊斯蘭教如何因應所發生的社會問題,再與現代福利制度做對照比較,以提供另一種思維。期待藉由其與當代社會福利思維的對話,找出伊斯蘭教發展社會福利的艱困因素,並希冀從伊斯蘭教的觀點出發,析理出在今日社會下發展伊斯蘭教的社會福利模式的方法。 To help the poor at the beginning to national social welfare policy, the value and practice of charity in religions play an important function in human societies. However, social welfare policy has to face to reduce and review due to globalization and slowing economic growth. Welfare of religions always exists and the value keeps taking effect on welfare policies. Therefore, the aim of this study is to discuss the thoughts of social welfare in sharia (Islamic law). Also, this study is the proceeding the dialogue with the interpretation bases on Quran and Hadith between Islam and contemporary social welfare. This study is based on documentary analysis. It sorts and analyzes the sources of law in Islam: Quran, Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. To analyze the thoughts and social welfare practices in Islam based on Fiqh, including al-ibadat, family relationship and the system of economic and inheritance. The study tries to recognize t the distinguishing characteristics in Islam and to understand how the Islam responses to social problems. It compares with contemporary social welfare system and provides the thinking of the other side. Also, it tries to find out the difficulties of social welfare developing in Islam world by dialogue with contemporary social welfare. At the end, t this study is based on the point of view in Islam to find the methods of developing social welfare in today’s Islam society. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 宗教研究所 94156009 103 |
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