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Title: | 網路購物平台商業模式探討 A Case Study on the Business Models of E-commerce Platforms |
Authors: | 廖鴻銘 Liao, Hung Ming |
Contributors: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi Chia 廖鴻銘 Liao, Hung Ming |
Keywords: | 商業模式 平台策略 電子商務 創新擴散 價值網 網路效應 賽局理論 Business Model Platform Strategy E-Commerce Innovation Diffusion Value Net Network Effect Game Theory |
Date: | 2014 |
Issue Date: | 2015-01-05 11:19:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究的主題是平台商業模式,研究的主要動機是近來不管是從SAP全球輔導過的各產業企業或是在EMBA探討過的無數個案中,發現一個成功企業都有一個共通的元素,就是它們都擁有一個優秀的商業模式,而進一步去檢視這些企業,發覺越來越多成功企業是以建立平台連結多方群體的平台式商業模式快速崛起,它們打破競爭的疆界,很多屬於傳統直線式產業鏈的企業因而紛紛敗下陣來。
平台商業模式廣泛出現在各種產業中,受限於研究資源限制,本研究僅以電子商務為研究範圍,本研究選擇國內四家電子商務領導企業為個案研究對象,研究其成功的平台策略,及如何以平台為營運模式持續成長。另外,本研究也以商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)來分析個案公司,探討其如何建立目標客戶群?如何建立營收模式?如何持續成長?最後,整合與分析其平台策略與商業模式的優劣,歸結出發展成功平台商業模式所應具備的資源與方法。本研究彙整結論如下:
(一)找到存在於群體間尚未被滿足的需求,利用平台連接群體並建立互動機制,來提供價值與滿足需求並創造營收。 (二)建立完整的平台生態圈機制設計,讓平台本身與各邊群體成為關鍵資源。 (三)建立成長策略,持續以創新及創意來創造新的平台核心優勢來克服競爭與覆蓋威脅。
關鍵字:商業模式,平台策略,電子商務,創新擴散,價值網,網路效應,賽局理論。 The theme of this research is to study the platform business model. The main motivation is the recent study whether counseling in each industry from the SAP global enterprise customers or EMBA explored in countless cases. The finding is that a successful business has one common element which they have a good business model. And further to examine these companies, most of the researches show that more and more successful companies have a significant and fast growth through platform business model that they build up a platform to connect multi-group. They break the boundaries of competition, so lots of the traditional linear chain companies have been defeated.
Since the researcher used to start-up a company in earlier career stage. Also, although working in the global company has very good compensation compared with the local company. But always felt that work for others without profiting return and global vendor is pure performance driven with heavy pressure and dynamic change. So the researcher plans to re-start up the new business in the future. Besides, at the moment that all the Taiwan manufacture oriented companies are facing business transformation. Therefore want to take advantage of this thesis to investigate success of these platform companies. To conclude with best practice recommendations for reference once start-up a new company in the future. Also, provide reference for Taiwan companies that want to turn business transformation into platform business or start-up a new platform business.
Platform business model is widely present in a variety of industries, subject to the limitations of research resources, this study only focus on the scope of E-commerce. This study chose four domestic leading E-commerce enterprise as a case study. Aim to study its successful platform strategy, and how to continue to grow with platform business model. In addition, this study also adopt the business model canvas to analyze the cases of companies that explore how to establish the target audience?How to build up revenue stream?How to continue to grow?Finally, consolidate and analyze the merits of its platform strategy and business model. And came out the must have resources and methods to develop a successful platform business model. This study aggregated the following conclusions:
1. To find out the unmet needs between the groups, take advantage of the interactive platform to connect groups and establish mechanisms to provide value to meet the demand and create revenue. 2. To establish an complete platform ecosystem with solid mechanisms. Let the platform itself and each side of the groups become the key resource. 3. To form a growth strategy, continue to equip innovation and creativity to create new core competence for a platform to overcome the threat of competition and coverage.
Key Words:Business Model, Platform Strategy, E-Commerce, Innovation Diffusion, Value Net, Network Effect, Game Theory. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 101932123 103 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932123 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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