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Title: | 數位國會與電子民主:立法院應用資訊通訊科技與公民互動之研究 Digital Parliament and E-Democracy: A Study of ICTs Application for the Interaction between Legislative Yuan and Citizens |
Authors: | 鍾政廷 Chung, Cheng Ting |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 Hsiao, Nai Yi 鍾政廷 Chung, Cheng Ting |
Keywords: | 立法院 數位國會 電子民主 公民互動 Legislative Yuan Digital Parliament E-democracy Citizen Interaction |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2014-12-01 14:20:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 數位時代下,政府機關致力推動電子化政策,希望藉由資訊通訊科技(ICTs)的協助提供民眾更好的服務;立法院推動的「數位國會發展規劃案」,如同行政機關「電子化政府」,透過建設網站系統架構,提供完善的議事資訊並將議案資料公開化,創造我國邁向電子民主的有利條件。從文獻和世界民主國會的經驗觀察,數位化具有促進民主發展的潛能,但如何有效應用則是必須思考的課題。據此,本文以電子民主應具備的資訊公開、公眾接觸、公民參與、提升服務效率及效能等各項指標,檢視立法院網站系統在功能設計與應用上的優點與不足。研究架構以網站系統中具有電子民主指標的系統為核心,瞭解立法院對於應用網站與公民互動的構想及規劃,以及現行政策之成果。 研究執行採取網站內容分析法和個別深度訪談法,以議案設定為導向,挑選立法院審議中最受關注的議案為例,尋找與議案相關之公民團體代表為標的,瞭解公民對國會電子民主的看法;並如何透過網站資源,獲取所關注議案的資訊;而立法委員應用ICTs與民眾互動的態度和做法,更是國會數位化之後,影響電子民主發展方向的關鍵因素。 實證結果發現,立法院網站系統當前所提供的議事資訊及議案資料等內容可謂完整且豐富;然而,公民角色的使用人數稀少且使用頻率偏低,立委方面也不常應用做為與民眾互動或提供服務之管道,意謂其功能並未彰顯,應用效果遠不及時下熱門社群網站。究其原因:一、立法院網站資訊雖充足,但部分介面設計過於繁複,應簡化操作或提供指導;二、立法院網站公開的資訊,未符合多數使用者需求;公民團體另以私人管道獲得所需資訊,但一般公民卻無法取得,因而產生資訊落差;三、網站系統缺乏有效宣傳,應擴展民眾知悉程度、提高使用意願和培養使用習慣。 本文結論建議:一、立法院網站是具備發展電子民主潛能的理想雲端空間,擁有豐沛的議事資料可供運用,應持續加以耕耘,建立有特色的網站系統,讓民眾更親近、瞭解立法院;二、資訊處須妥善管理網站系統,培養公民民主素養教育,促進理性對話空間;三、秉持更開放的態度落實公民參與訴求,結合官方與民間力量,推廣國會數位資源,使其效用極大化,朝向全面性、深入性的電子民主為未來發展目標。 In the digital era, the Taiwanese governments have been advocating its paperless government initiatives by adopting Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide better services to the public. The Legislative Yuan is also carrying out the Digital Parliament Development Program, similar with the Paperless Government initiatives, which aims to foster e-democracy in Taiwan by offering comprehensive information of congressional schemes through a strong back-end IT platform. The previous literatures as well as successful applications from other democratic countries have indicated that paperless government can potentially accelerate democracy development; however, how to apply effectively is a practical issue to pay attention to. Thus, this study attempted to utilize the e-democracy index such as openness, citizen interaction, citizen participation, efficiency and effectiveness of services, to assess the functionality of the Legislative Yuan website and to compare with other similar government websites. The methodologies of the current study were content analysis and individual in-depth interview. Several bills under the legislative review process were selected and some follow-up interviews with key interest group representatives who are familiar with the aforementioned issues were conducted to collect their insights on congressional e-democracy and how they acquire relevant information from the Legislative Yuan website. Moreover, the use of ICTs for interaction with citizens among the Legislators is also a key factor impacting of e-democracy. Based on the research results, information and document offered by the Legislative website are completed and abundant. Nevertheless, there is less number of users whose identification is general citizen, and the using frequency is still low. Besides, the Legislators seldom use the website as a tool to interact with citizens. It means that the Legislative website functions are yet to be revealed and the effects are inferior to those community websites. The reasons may include: (1) The interface design of the website remains complicated for citizens to use. The officials must simplify operation and offer instructions; (2) The website cannot meet the need of citizen groups, who acquire information by private access, not by the website. But individual citizens could not utilize the same access. This situation would cause information gap; (3) The officials should propagate the Legislative website to the public and promote its popularity and utilization. According to the previous findings, three points are suggested. Firstly, the website of Legislative Yuan is a potentially wonderful cyberspace for e-democracy which should be maintained to attract the citizens closer to realize e-parliament. Secondly, the Legislative Yuan should properly manage its website, cultivate the citizens’ democratic literacy and engage them to rational dialogue. Thirdly, the public officials should keep an more open attitude, combine those diverse powers around the Parliament to get itself ready heading towards e-democracy. |
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