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Title: | 電源供應器產業之突破式創新研究 Study of Disruptive Innovation on the Power Supply Industry |
Authors: | 陳政婷 Chen, Cheng Ting |
Contributors: | 許牧彥 Hsu, Mu Yen 陳政婷 Chen, Cheng Ting |
Keywords: | 突破式創新 低端入侵 分離市場入侵 電源供應器 無線充電 Disruptive Innovation Low-end encroachment Detached-market encroachment Power supply Wireless charging |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-11-03 10:17:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討電源供應器產業之突破式創新的可能性。透過文獻了解創新的涵意和學者對創新的分類,深入比較「維持性創新」(Sustaining Innovation)與其高階入侵(High-end encroachment),以及「突破式創新」(Disruptive Innovation)之三種低階入侵(Low-end encroachment)方式,分別為:即刻市場入侵(Immediate low-end encroachment)、邊緣市場入侵(Fringe-market low-end encroachment)、分離市場入侵( Detached-market low-end encroachment)。
本文藉由與產業專家的深入訪談得知目前既有企業對於新科技尚未開始準備,著實也驗證了Christensen(2005)提過主流企業常常因為過度著重現有技術,而忽略突破性科技的存在。最後,本文建議既有電源供應器產業應多留意突破性科技的入侵且適時跨入新科技,才能在突破性科技崛起時做好準備。 The main purpose of this research is to examine the potential of disruptive innovation on the power supply industry. This article investigates the definitions and the classifications of innovation by various scholars. It identifies sustaining innovation with its high-end encroachment and disruptive innovation with its three approaches of low-end encroachment which are immediate, fringe-market, and detached-market.
This article reviews the power supply industry and its technology, applications, market status, supply chains and then investigates the wireless charging industry and its technologies, evolutions, standards, and market opportunities. To identify the potential of wireless charging becoming disruptive technology, the article refers to the three-step framework of Schmidt (2008) to assess the potential diffusion pattern. The primary attribute of the incumbent is the charging time whereas the primary attribute of new technology is its wireless convenience. The results classify wireless charging as a low-end detached-market encroachment. The current and new products initially sell to the two opposite ends of the market and the highest willingness to pay for each market in the beginning are different, which are “detached “from one another. Over time, charging time would be expected to improve and cost would be expected to decrease, wireless chargers will be more favorable to high-end users of the wired chargers, and eventually current market will be encroached by the new technology.
The interviews with incumbents present that current power supply firms have not initiated the development of wireless technology. Companies usually pursue sustaining innovations at the higher tiers of their markets because this is what has historically helped them succeed and they often missed the chances to disruptive innovation. (Christensen, 2005) The results suggest the established organizations to take more efforts to start looking into the disruptive technology so that established organizations will not be displaced by the new firms. "第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 2
第三節 研究流程與章節架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 創新的定義 5
第二節 維持性創新 8
第三節 突破式創新 10
壹、 Christensen之突破式創新 10
貳、 Schmidt與Druehl之突破式創新 12
第四節 電源供應器產業創新的相關研究 18
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究設計 20
第二節 資料蒐集 21
第三節 研究步驟 24
第四節 研究限制 25
第四章 電源供應器產業概況 27
第一節 電源供應器產業相關名詞定義 27
第二節 電源供應器與應用 29
第三節 產業供應鏈結構 35
第四節 產品發展趨勢 36
第五節 法規限制與影響 42
第五章 無線充電技術的創新與應用 44
第一節 無線充電科技 44
壹、 無線充電的演進 44
貳、 無線充電技術 46
參、 無線充電技術聯盟 52
第二節 無線充電市場與應用 55
壹、 電動牙刷無線充電器 57
貳、 智慧手機無線充電器 58
參、 電動車充無線充電器 61
第三節 無線充電未來趨勢與機會 63
第四節 價值網路 (VALUE NETWORK) 66
第五節 無線充電需求與供給 67
第六章 無線充電器成為突破式創新的可能性分析 74
第一節 突破式創新的驗證 74
第二節 深度訪談 78
壹、 訪談題綱 78
貳、 訪談對象 79
參、 訪談內容歸納分析 85
第三節 無線充電作為突破式創新之可能性驗證 86
第七章 結論與建議 88
第一節 研究摘述 88
第二節 研究結果討論 89
第三節 對電源產業業者建議 90 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 101359006 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101359006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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