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    Title: 台灣民眾對貧窮歸因態度之研究
    Attitudes toward Attributions for Poverty in Taiwan
    Authors: 施蘊芳
    Shih, Yun Fang
    Contributors: 張晉芬
    Chang, Chin Fen
    Shih, Yun Fang
    Keywords: 貧窮歸因
    attributions for poverty
    the self-interest thesis
    the principle of enlightenment
    social stratification
    Taiwan Social Change Survey
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-11-03 10:14:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 貧窮在人類歷史中存在已久。在台灣有許多研究探討客觀之致貧因素,相較之下主觀之貧窮歸因研究則較少。然而,針對人們如何理解社會中誰得到甚麼?為什麼?的研究一直是社會階層化重要的研究議題。更且,貧窮歸因被認為能夠預測人們對相關濟貧政策支持度,使此議題更形重要。故本文旨在探究台灣民眾如何解釋貧窮發生之原因,及個人條件、社經地位、家庭背景和社會心理因素如何影響貧窮歸因。以既有實證研究為基礎,將貧窮歸因區分為責備個人歸因、責備社會歸因及個人命運歸因。資料來源使用「臺灣社會變遷基本調查」2002年及2007年之問卷進行分析。

    In human history, poverty has always been present. There has been an abundance of research exploring objective explanations of poverty. In contrast, there are few studies that have been done in Taiwan on the people`s subjective explanations of poverty. However, how people perceive who gets what and why is an important research subject in social stratification through time. The results may also help predict public support for poverty-related policies in the future. This thesis aims to explore explanations of poverty in Taiwan, and how socio-demographic and social-psychological factors shaping people`s beliefs about the causes of poverty. Based on previously reviewed literature, I attributed the causes of poverty to three aspects: individual faults, personal fate, and structural inequalities. I utilized data from the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) conducted in 2002 and 2007, respectively. The TSCS repeated the same array of questions of poverty attributions in these two years.

    The results indicated that the majority of Taiwanese people blamed the poor people themselves for their poor status. Men were more individualistically-oriented toward attributions of poverty than women. Also, people with high incomes were more likely to have individualistic attributions towards poverty. The self-interest-based attribution for poverty is supported by people with higher income, education, and social class. Respondents with these characteristics are less likely to attribute poverty to the structural causes. The principle of enlightenment by education lacks support from the analysis and it appears that education has the function of reproduction of social inequality in Taiwan. Religiosity does not operate as a significant determinant of a poverty attribute, which may demonstrate the disenchantment of religion in everyday life.
    Reference: 一、 官方出版

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    二、 報紙及新聞媒介

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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0992540102
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