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    Title: 以醫師責任保險降低醫療風險之研究
    An Investigation of Medical Liability Insurance to Reduce Medical Risks
    Authors: 陳孟佳
    Chen, Meng Chia
    Contributors: 林勳發
    Lin, Hsin Fa
    Chen, Meng Chia
    Keywords: 醫療糾紛
    medical malpractice
    medical liability insurance
    multi-level mode
    medical risk
    medical arbitration mechanism
    defensive medicine
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2014-11-03 10:12:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著近年醫療糾紛日益增加,民刑事訴訟程序冗長,醫病雙方長時間煎熬,醫病關係日益惡化,導致防禦性醫療盛行。本研究從醫療責任切入,討論醫療爭議及現行處理途徑與方式,現行醫療責任保險之發展,簡介外國醫療責任保險概況。探討我國實施強制醫療責任保險之可能性。
    With the growing number of medical malpractice cases and the lengthy process of both civil and criminal litigation procedures in recent years, the torture has been agonizing and worsening the relationship between physicians and patients. The very situation results in the prevalence of defensive medical treatment. This research deals with the problem from the viewpoint of medical liability, discusses the current methods of handling medical disputes and explores the development of current medical liability insurance. An overview of the situation in other countries is presented to investigate the possibility of implementing mandatory medical liability insurance in Taiwan.
    This research attempts to establish a multi-level mode to effectively resolve medical risks. This mode will contribute to a lot of functions including enforcing mandatory medical liability insurance, supporting a fundamental compensation and simplifying the process of damages claiming. Furthermore, the mode will also serve to promote the medical liability insurance of medical institutions and in turn enhance the protection for the common public with administrative measures. In addition, the mode intends to restrict the upper limit of damages in order to remedy the serious phenomenon that no doctors are willing to practice in the high-risk medical departments, which is expected to distribute the medical risk of all the doctors. It will also introduce a medical arbitration mechanism to shorten and accelerate the procedure of medical reviewing and damages claiming in handling medical malpractice cases.
    We hope, with the establishment of such a multi-level mode, a sound and wholesome medical system can be constructed and the overflowing defensive medical treatment and waste of judicial resources can be avoided.
    Reference: 一、中文書目
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