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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/70968
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    Title: 韓國公共電視工會運動發展-以2012年MBC罷工為例
    The Development of Korea Public TV Union Movement: The Case Study of MBC Strike in 2012
    Authors: 田育志
    Tian, Yu Jhih
    Contributors: 劉昌德
    Liu, Chang De
    Tian, Yu Jhih
    Keywords: 韓國公共電視工會運動
    Korean public TV union movement
    the impartiality of broadcasting
    MBC strike
    political faction
    the privatization of public TV
    the function of democracy
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-11-03 10:06:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   韓國公共電視之一的MBC,因新聞報導立場不公、社長金在哲利用人事權力不當解雇批判執政黨的製作人與記者,造成MBC喪失公正放送的意義,員工為捍衛公共電視的價值,在工會的帶領下,於2012年1月底展開長達170天的罷工。為了解這場罷工的前因後果,以及對台韓媒體工會運動帶來的意義,本研究透過深度訪談與次級資料分析,檢視2012年MBC罷工的事前、事中與事後經過。
    As one of the public TV networks in Korea, MBC has lost the impartiality of broadcasting for its biased news reports and the unfair dismissal by the MBC’s president, Kim Jae-Chul, of producers and journalists who criticized the government. For protecting the value as a public TV, MBC employees ,led by the MBC union, started a 170-day strike in January, 2012. In order to realize the causes and effects of this strike, and the implications for the media union movement both in Taiwan and Korea, this study will examine the causes, the processes and the effects of the strike by using in-depth interview and secondary data analysis.
    According to the research data, the causes of the strike were due to political factions of MBC’s executive management and the ruling party, and the privatization of the MBC by Lee Myeong-Bak Administration; those two causes destroyed the impartiality of broadcasting, which was the central value that the public TV was supposed to protect. The strike had continued for 170 days with a high degree of participation from the MBC union and the supports from other media unions and the citizens. Unfortunately, after the strike, MBC was still neither able to protect the impartiality of broadcasting nor to maintain the organizational contract between the union and the management. Talking about the protecting of the impartiality of broadcasting, the MBC union considered that it could be a short-term target to reform the election system of president in MBC, but in the long-term, it needs the ruler to take the public TV as an independent media.
    Besides, through the strike which was started by protecting “the impartiality of broadcasting”, we can find out that not only the wage and welfare, but the professional values of media workers is the working condition that a union will be concerned about. And it’s so-called “the function of democracy” of the union which is a research finding by analyzing the MBC strike in 2012. Furthermore, the academic circle in Taiwan can also take the function of democracy as another viewpoint to analyze the media union.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099451009
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