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    题名: 新產品發展專案之權力結構與新產品發展績效之關聯研究:以外部控制觀點探討
    The Effect of Power Structure in the New Product Development Teams on New Product Development Performance: The External Control Perspective
    作者: 張家揚
    贡献者: 別蓮蒂

    Bei, Lien Ti
    Lou, Yung Chien

    关键词: 新產品發展
    new product development
    power structure
    environmental uncertainty
    NPD formalization
    日期: 2013
    上传时间: 2014-10-01 13:45:32 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 過去探討新產品發展專案中行銷與研發權力結構之配置與績效之間關係的研究結果並不一致;而這些不一致的結果很可能是因為各研究抽樣的產業分布不盡相同,亦反映出各個新產品發展專案面對不一樣的環境不確定性。因此,本研究的主要研究目的為探討是否身處不同外部環境不確定性的新產品專案,其行銷與研發功能的權力結構與新產品發展績效之間有著不同的線性關係,並試圖以外部控制觀點解釋過去研究在新產品發展專案之權力結構與新產品發展績效關係的不一致,進一步導入新產品發展流程正式化對新產品發展專案權力結構與新產品發展績效關係之調節效果。
    Past studies showed inconsistency in the relationship between the power structure of marketing and R&D in conjunction with new product development (NPD) performance. The reason of the inconsistency might be that the focal industries of each study were not the same which implies every NPD project faced different uncertainties dues to various industrial environments. According to the perspective of external control, the research objective is to show under different environmental uncertainties, different linear relationships between the marketing/R&D power structure and NPD could occur. Further, this research also introduced the moderating effect of the NPD formalization.
    This research adapted a two-stage questionnaire approach. The first stage is acquiring agreement and titles of NPD projects from firms. The second stage is having project managers, marketing personnel, as well as R&D personnel in NPD projects answer the questionnaire. Questionnaires were sent to 238 NPD projects, among them 123 had returned.
    The evidences showed a positive relationship between NPD performance and R&D power structure under low market uncertainty and high technological uncertainty. For example, NPD projects performed better when the balance of power structure swung to the side of R&D function in the High-tech industry, IC Designs. In situations of high market uncertainty and low technological uncertainty, NPD formalization strengthened the relationship between marketing and NPD performance. For example, the NPD formalization strengthened the relationship between power structure in the NPD project and performance in both food and textile industries.
    These findings, rather focusing on single functions such as marketing or R&D, helped advance the understanding of the relationship between the power structure of marketing and R&D with NPD performance. Furthermore, examining the variables under different environment uncertainty situations in this study explained the inconsistency of the relationship between the power structure of marketing/RD and NPD performance in the past studies. Finally, this research conditionally supported the moderating effect of NPD formalization on the relationship between the power structure of marketing/R&D and NPD performance, and this discovery has never been noted in previous studies.
    參考文獻: Acur, N., Kandemir, D., De Weerd‐Nederhof, P. C., & Song, M. (2010). Exploring the impact of technological competence development on speed and NPD program performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(6), 915-929.
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