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Title: | 《楞嚴經正脈疏》與《楞嚴經圓通疏》諍論之研究──以「四決定義」與「四不決定義」為主 A Study on the Dispute over the Annotations between the Zheng Mai Shu and the Yuan Tong Shu of Śūraṅgama Sūtra : the “Four Decisive Factors” versus the “Anti-Four Decisive Factors” |
Authors: | 雷承平 Lei, Cheng Ping |
Contributors: | 熊琬 雷承平 Lei, Cheng Ping |
Keywords: | 《楞嚴經》 《正脈疏》 《圓通疏》 交光真鑑 幽溪傳燈 如來藏 根性 見精 二決定義 二種根本 天台止觀 華嚴宗 一心三觀 耳根圓通 Śūraṅgama Sūtra Zheng Mai Shu Yuan Tong Shu Jiaoguang Zhenjian Youqi Chuandeng Tathāgatagarbha awareness of sense organs visual awareness Two Decisive Factors Two Fundamental Roots Zhiguan of the Tiantai School the Huayan school Three Meditations of One Mind Meditation on the Organ of Hearing |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:44:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文主要在探討《正脈疏》(交光真鑑法師所著)與《圓通疏》(幽溪傳燈法師所著)之間的諍論。而造成二疏諍論最主要的原因,是雙方對於以天台宗止觀法門來注解與修證《楞嚴經》是否適當,完全持對立的立場所致。因此,雙方對《楞嚴經》「解」「行」宗旨的解釋上,也因立場不同,而產生諸多諍論。因此,如何釐清並解決二部疏之間的諍議,便成為本論文研究的主要動機與目的。 第一章導論將整個研究分成二個進路來進行。先從雙方產生諍論的「結果」,依經典原意來評斷孰是孰非,以期解決結果上的諍論;然後再依評斷的結果進一步分析諍論產生的「原因」。希望藉由從「因」與「果」二個進路的考察所呈現出來的研究成果,能消弭長久以來的「楞嚴之諍」。 第二章到第五章的研究,便是依經典本意來解決諍論「結果」的進路來進行。第二章的內容是從二疏產生眾多的諍論中,搜集重要的議題來進行探討,並逐一說明雙方對同一議題的不同看法,以釐清彼此的立場與觀點。然而,為使問題意識能聚焦以求進一步解決二疏的諍論,再將辯證重心集中於《正脈疏》「四決定義」與《圓通疏》「四不決定義」的諍論上。此部分為雙方「用根」與「用識」的修行路線之爭,內容也與《楞嚴經》解行宗旨密切相關。而第三章與第四章則是以考察《楞嚴經》「解」與「行」的本意與宗旨為主,內容各以「二種根本」與「二決定義」為主軸而展開討論,以作為第五章評斷二疏諍論的準則。經過第五章「四決定義」與「四不決定義」的辯證後,本文發現《正脈疏》「四決定義」的主張確實是符合《楞嚴經》的解行宗旨;而《圓通疏》以「四不決定義」對於《正脈疏》「四決定義」的批評不但皆為無效,而且自己在論述上也發生「不符合經典原意」、「自我矛盾」與「誤解、誤讀真鑑本意與忽略自己論述的缺失」等嚴重問題。 第六章則是依據第五章評斷後的結果,再進一步探討諍論產生的原因為進路。內容則是以探討天台與華嚴二宗與《楞嚴經》在心性論與修行方法論上的比較,以及宗派意識是否對傳燈與真鑑在注經時造成影響,以釐清諍論產生的原因。經第六章的研究後發現,華嚴宗與《楞嚴經》彼此的解行宗旨是較為相契的,也證明真鑑以華嚴宗來解經是較為適當的選擇。但真鑑在解經時運用到華嚴宗教義的部分其實非常少,解經的原則也是以《楞嚴經》原意為「主」,華嚴教義為「輔」的立場來補充說明,所以本文認為真鑑在注經時受到宗派意識的影響可說是非常有限。另外,透過華嚴宗判教的判釋結果得知,以「根性思想」為核心的《楞嚴經》是一部以大乘「終教」如來藏思想為主體的經典(亦兼華嚴圓、頓二教思想)。然而,「終教」如來藏思想在天台判教思想中是被歸於「別教」,而「別教」教義本來就是別異於天台「圓教」教義。因此,若以天台宗的教義來看,要以天台「圓教」教義來注解與修證解行宗旨以「別教」教義為多分的《楞嚴經》,實為不太合適的選擇。 因此,造成傳燈在論述上的諸多問題與產生二疏爭論的主要原因在於,《楞嚴經》主要的解行宗旨與天台圓教思想本來分屬於二個不相契的理論系統。但傳燈為了替天台宗「雪謗」,加上其宗派意識又凌駕於《楞嚴經》本意,強行注解之下,自然會產生第五章評斷後的結果。 透過本文分別從二疏諍論產生的「結果」與「原因」這二方面所呈現出來的研究成果,皆能解決果上的諍論與釐清諍論產生的原因,確實有助於解決長久以來的「楞嚴之諍」,也成為本論文在學術研究上的實質貢獻與價值之處。 This paper aims to explore the dispute over the two sets of annotations deriving from Śūraṅgama Sūtra between Dharma Master Jiaoguang Zhenjian’s交光真鑑Zheng Mai Shu正脈疏(The Text-based Annotation)and Dharma Master Youqi Chuandeng’s幽溪傳燈Yuan Tong Shu圓通疏(The Enlightenment-based Annotation). It focuses on the controversies over the two annotations of the completely opposite stands towards whether it is appropriate to annotate and practice Śūraṅgama Sūtra based on “Zhiguan”止觀(Buddhist meditation)of the Tiantai School天台宗(a school based on the Lotus Sūtra in Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhism). Therefore, in the light of the interpretation of“jie”解(teachings)and“xing”行 (practice) in Śūraṅgama Sūtra, their attitude are different, thus having caused a few debates in the long history of Chinese Buddhism. The purpose of this paper is to clarify and resolve the disputes between the Zheng Mai Shu and the Yuan Tong Shu. The first chapter is divided into two parts. First, it tries to resolve the disputes by analyzing the original meaning of Śūraṅgama Sūtra; second, it explains what motivates the rise of the disputes. In this way, the paper will focus on both the “Cause” and the “Result” of the disputes and help readers to understand the origin of the disputes. From chapter 2 to chapter 5, they clarify the result of the disputes by expounding the original meaning of Śūraṅgama Sūtra. In chapter 2, a list of the most important issues within the disputes is provided and a comparison of the different ideas given in order to draw a clear picture from both sides. To understand the disputes better and to make it more representative, the foci are put on the perspectives of both the “Sijue dingyi” 四決定義(Four Decisive Factors)and the “Sibujue dingyi” 四不決定義(Anti-Four Decisive Factors).This part is directly related to the disputes of using “liugen” 六根(sense organs)and “liushi” 六識(the sixth consciousness), which are closely related to the particular goals of teachings and practice of Śūraṅgama Sūtra. Chapter 3 and chapter 4 further explore the particular goals of teachings and practice of Śūraṅgama Sūtra through the discussion in accordance with “Erzhong genben” 二種根本(Two Fundamental Roots)and “Erjue dingyi” 二決定義(Two Decisive Factors), the content of this chapter is to establish the foundation for the final remark in chapter 5. Chapter 5 further discusses the ideas between the “Four Decisive Factors” and the “Anti-Four Decisive Factors”. It is found that the concept of the “Four Decisive Factors” from the Zheng Mai Shu is indeed consistent with the core doctrine of Śūraṅgama Sūtra. On the contrary, the “Anti-Four Decisive Factors” of the Yuan Tong Shu not only makes useless criticism against the “Four Decisive Factors” of the Zheng Mai Shu but also has serious problems, such as misinterpretations of the teachings of Śūraṅgama Sūtra, misunderstanding and misreading the Zheng Mai Shu , ignoring the faults from its own assertions and created self-contradiction in core subjects of the Yuan Tong Shu. Chapter 6 talks about the origin of the disputes, based on the result of chapter 5. This chapter compares the differences on “xinxing lun” 心性論(Buddha-Nature theory)and “xiuxing fanfalun” 修行方法論(methodology in Buddhist practice) between the Tiantai School and the Huayan School華嚴宗(a school based on the Flower Garland Sūtra in Chinese Mahāyāna Buddhism)and tries to respond to the question whether the consciousness of sectarianism has any impact on the origin of the disputes. As a result, the aims of teachings and practice of the Huayan School is closer to Śūraṅgama Sūtra than the Tiantai school and it would be a better choice for Zhenjian 真鑑 to follow the Huayan School’s interpretation. However, Zhenjian rarely referred to the doctrine of the Huayan School when interpreting Śūraṅgama Sūtra. The fundamental principle to which he adhered was to follow the original meaning of Śūraṅgama Sūtra and he only used the teachings of the Huayan School as the complementary comments. It can be inferred that the consciousness of sectarianism, namely, the teachings of the Huayan School, had caused very little impact on Zhenjian. In addition, through “panjiao”判教(the doctrine classification)of the Huayan School, it is believed that the core concept of “genxing” 根性(awareness of sense organs)from Śūraṅgama Sūtra is a sūtra mostly based on the “Dasheng zhongjiao” 大乘終教(Final Teachings of Mahāyāna), and encompasses the “Yuan jiao” 圓教 (Complete Teachings)and the “Dun jiao” 頓教(Sudden Teachings). However, according to the doctrine classification of the Tiantai School, the concept of the Huayan’s “Final Teachingof Mahāyāna ” is characterized as the “Bie jiao” 別教 (Distinctive Teachings)of the Tiantai School, which is in reality different from the Tiantai’s “Complete Teachings”. Therefore, it is not appropriate to use Tiantai’s “Complete Teachings” to make an annotation to Śūraṅgama Sūtra because Śūraṅgama Sūtra is mostly based on Tiantai’s “Distinctive Teachings.” Therefore, the fundamental problem of Chuandeng’s傳燈 interpretation and the origin of the disputes arises mainly from the fact that the aims of teachings and practice between Śūraṅgama Sūtra and the “Complete Teachings” of the Tiantai School actually belong to opposite theoretical systems. However, since Chuandeng had a strong consciousness of sectarianism , he wanted to erase the slander for the Tiantai School, which eventually leads to his biased interpretation as mentioned in the previous chapter. Through the analyses on the “Result” and “Cause” of the disputes, the origin and the development of the disputes are clarified. It is hoped that this thesis will effectively help us to resolve the long-lasting problem and serve as a contribution to future research on Śūraṅgama Sūtra. |
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二、 近人著作
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