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Title: | 東亞主要經濟體服貿協定開放程度比較與台灣服務業貿易戰略 The Comparison of Agreement on Trade in Services Openness Degree among East Asia `s Major Economies and Taiwan`s Trade in services strategy |
Authors: | 許富翔 Hsu, Fu Hsiang |
Contributors: | 童振源 Tung, Chen Yuan 許富翔 Hsu, Fu Hsiang |
Keywords: | 東亞區域整合 台灣服務業 開放程度 服務貿易戰略 服務貿易協定 East Asian regional integration Taiwan`s service industry degree of openness services trade strategy agreement on trade in services |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:42:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 東亞各經濟體間的服務貿易整合已成為區域內的重要議題,而台灣服務業貿易的發展,則對台灣經濟結構未來的轉型舉足輕重。本文使用Marchetti & Roy量化法,分別探討東亞主要經濟體:台灣、日本、新加坡、南韓,所簽定的服務貿易協定開放程度並加以分析比較,並以文獻分析法整理台灣服務業貿易戰略,最後對質化和量化的分析結果做交叉討論,藉以檢定台灣的服務貿易戰略成效。 本文研究發現,在總體開放的層次,東亞四經濟體整體服務貿易協議開放程度均相當高,無論在全世界或已開發國家中均屬於較高水準,依其服貿協議的開放特性可以分為台灣與日本、新加坡與南韓兩組。其中,台灣對新加坡與紐西蘭的服貿協議開放程度高,而對中國大陸則採取歧視性待遇,開放程度較GATS多邊承諾更低。在各服務部門開放的層次,四經濟體在各部門的開放狀況上顯示出相當的一致性,各國存在的個別差異部門則顯現出此經濟體的產業特殊性。在台灣服務業貿易戰略部分,本文整理官方重要政策文本,將之分為總體戰略及個體政策,進行細節之分析討論。根據開放程度及服務業戰略的綜合分析結果,本文針對台灣未來優先發展之服務產業、強化開放產業、服貿協議談判對象國及洽簽方式等方面提出政策建議。 Services trade integration among the economies of East Asia has become an important issue in the region, and the development of Taiwan`s trade in services is also vital to the future of Taiwan`s economic structure transformation. The thesis uses Marchetti & Roy`s quantification method to explore and analyze the openness to trade services agreement signed by the following major economies in East Asia: Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. In addition, the thesis finishes Taiwan`s trade in services strategy with literature analysis method, and test Taiwan`s strategic effectiveness of trade in services by discussing the qualitative and quantitative results. There are three principal findings.First,in the overall openness level, the openness to agreement on trade in services of the East Asian economies are all quite high in the developed countries and in the world. In accordance with the open nature of its agreement on trade in services, the four economies can be divided into Taiwan and Japan, Singapore and South Korea two. Among them, Taiwan`s free trade agreement openness with New Zealand and Singapore are high, while adopting a discriminatory treatment with that of China, a lower degree of openness than the GATS multilateral commitments. Second, in the level of individual services sectors, the data show that four economies have consistent status in the open departments fairly, yet the individual differences exist in few departments. Third, in Taiwan`s Trade in services strategy part, the paper discuss the details of main official policy text,dividing them into overall strategy and individual policies. According to the results of a comprehensive analysis of the degree of openness and service strategy, the paper makes some policy recommendations on Taiwan`s future development of the service industry priority, the specific open industry, and negotiating ways and objectives. |
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