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Title: | 初探公部門清潔隊員工作特質與勞動過程的性別差異 Gender Differences in Job Characteristics and Labor Process of Public Sector Sanitation Workers |
Authors: | 廖貞雅 Liao, Chen Ya |
Contributors: | 馬藹萱 Ma, Ai Hsuan 廖貞雅 Liao, Chen Ya |
Keywords: | 清潔隊員 勞動過程 職業性別隔離 技術 情緒勞動 Janitorial service workers labor process gendered occupational segregation technology emotional labor |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-10-01 13:22:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討公部門清潔隊員工作特質,以及性別對於清潔隊員在工作職務分配和勞動過程的影響。研究者使用田野觀察和深度訪談進行資料蒐集,並以新北市樹林區的清潔隊中垃圾清運班、資源回收班和掃路工作三項職務者為觀察對象,分析著重於清潔隊員工作的性別職務隔離、勞動過程中表現出的技術與情緒勞動。主要研究發現與貢獻如下:(一)本研究指出清潔隊中存在著性別職務隔離現象,而形成職務隔離的原因除了性別,工作方式、工作可替代性與工作影響程度等三項因素也是形成職務隔離的原因;(二)清潔隊員工作環境處於開放式空間,且工作的進行主要是受到時間壓力的限制,因此清潔隊員執行工作所需之技術特質與所產生的勞動經驗,和傳統上在工廠工作的工人所處的工作環境及以提高生產產品數量為目的的勞動有所不同。本研究對於清潔隊工作技術與勞動的討論,突破了傳統勞動理論中對於「技術」的定義與想像;(三)本研究發現在清潔隊中職務比性別更會影響情緒勞動付出的多寡,雖然女性助手比男性司機需要付出更多情緒勞動,但是男性司機卻可以透過性別特質,幫助女性助手情緒勞動中不足之處。本研究的貢獻在於增加性別與勞動社會學討論的多元性,且可成為未來清潔隊相關工作社會學研究的基礎。 This study explores the job characteristics of the janitorial service workers in the public sector and the gender influence on job distribution and the labor process therein. Participant observation and in-depth interviews were utilized for collecting data from those who worked in the Garbage Collecting Unit, the Resource Recycling Unit, and the Road Cleaning Unit of the Shu-Lin District Cleaning Team in New Taipei City. The major findings of this study are listed as follows: (1) The study illuminates the phenomenon of gendered occupational segregation among janitorial service workers. The study further finds that occupational segregation is not only shaped by gender but also by methods used for completing the tasks, substitutability of the individual who performs the job, and the degree in which the job may affect the overall outcome of the work unit. (2) The janitorial service workers work in an open space, and the pressure of work comes mainly from the time allocated to complete the tasks. The work environment as well as skills required for and the labor experiences generated from work are thus different from the traditional industrial workers working in factories whose goal is mainly to maximize the production output. The discussion in this study on skills and labor entailed in janitorial service work expands the horizon of traditional labor theories on the conceptualization and definition of "skill." (3) The study shows that job category is more important than gender in affecting the input of emotional labor in the janitorial service work. Female assistants are required to put in more emotional labor than male truck drivers, and male truck drivers can supplement the female workers` emotional labors by exercising the masculine characteristics. The results of this study may not only contribute to gender and labor studies by enriching the discussion on gender and work as well as the concept of skill, but also provide an importance foundation for future research on janitorial service work. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學研究所 99254007 102 |
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