Abstract: | 本於為促進兩岸統計科學學術交流的初衷,開始與大陸地區設有統計相關專業的學校系所聯繫。在聯繫中,深感兩岸隔離逾四十年,確實造成彼此間所知甚少。因此,本研究的目的在對大陸地區統計科學的發展提供一個全盤性的調查與評估,以作為兩岸統計科學學術交流的參考依據。 在研究進行的過程中,囿於現行法令規章及經費限制等因素,無法進行問卷調查。後經研發會沈清松教授的協助及國科會的支持,親赴大陸實地蒐集資料,確實獲得大陸地區統計學者對學術交流的支持。但由於簡繁字體的差異、電話聯繫時口音的多元、以及用字遣詞的不同,使得資料在蒐集的過程中可能發生不可知的謬誤,以及資料不全的情形。冀盼此一探索性的調查能催化其他後續研究之進行,以增進兩岸統計學術的交流活動。 本文在內容上,先對研究的動機加以說明。其次,就蒐集得到的資料,對大陸地區統計科學發展經過加以介紹。然後,對大陸地區統計科學的發展現況作一通盤性的探討。涵蓋博、碩士點的學校、學科、專業、博士生導師、以及研究方向,同時也依性質將各統計專業分類討論,比較其異同。接下來,按各校統計專業的發展現況分別介紹二十所學校,內容包括:學位、師資、設備、研究方向、學生人數、課程等,期使各不同學校的現況能展現出來。接下來,以多變量統計方法中的族群分析針對二十所學校的發展情況進行探討。最後,在結論中就研究心得提出簡要的看法。 The purpose of this research project is to survey and evaluate the teaching programs and researching achievements of statistical science in Mainland China. Based on the study, we can get a whole picture of the statistical science development in Mainland China and also get a guidance for the statistical science exchanges between Taiwan and Mainland China. The study targets are based on the department and graduate institutes of Statistics in Mainland China. The exploratory study includes a survey of the teaching programs, main field, computing facilities, faculty members, student numbers, authorized degrees and etc. The information of the statistical research fields and achievements in the Mainland China will also be collected. The applications of Statistics to other sciences and an evaluation of the future developments of the Statistics in Mainland China will be provided. The data had been collected by personal interview, Statistical science exchanges by mail, and department catalog materials. In the evaluation stage, cluster analysis was applied to identify the development patterns (or groups) of twenty Statistics departments. |