Abstract: | 國外有關消費者抱怨行為之研究,在過去十數年來已引起不少學者與實務界人士之興趣與投入。在學理上,消費者報怨及其後續動作之探討,對消費者重複購買與品牌忠誠度之詮釋與預測上有其重要性。尤有甚者,消費者抱怨行為及其是否得到善意回應,直接影響到消費者本身及社會之福利。因此,毋論就微觀或宏觀之角度來看,消費者抱怨問題都應受到政府與企業之重視。 可是,國內對消費者抱怨行為之研究卻為數不多。公司企業如果忽略顧客不滿意之後所可能採取的抱怨行為及後果,則不但容易錯失挽留顧客的機會,而且也會減少找出改善產品或服務品質線索之良機。消費者的抱怨行為如果受到忽視,則不但其本身權益受損,而且會降低其對企業與政府的信心。因此,研究台灣消費者之抱怨行為不但有其必要,而且在目前愈來愈強調市場自由化與消費者意識的前提下,對台灣消費者抱怨行為之瞭解更是刻不容緩之事。 本論文利用深度訪談與問卷調查法研究台灣消費者的抱怨行為。結果發現:「售後服務」頗為重要。企業徹底瞭解顧客的問題或所需要的售後服務,才能在有限的人力、財力與物力下,提供能滿足顧客需求的售後服務。 其次,抱怨處理的方式也值得企業重視。要讓顧客化不滿意為體諒、甚至因為激賞而認同公司,企業就必須要注意抱怨處理的態度、層次與補償等構面。 消基會在受測者心目中,無疑地受到非常正面的肯定。消基會如果能事先瞭解消費者最迫切需要的產品(或服務)資訊,再加以調查、公佈,相信對消費者會更有幫助。 一旦對所購買的產品或服務不滿意時,雖然部分受測者有時仍然採取被動的「悶不吭聲,自認倒楣」反應,但是愈來愈多的消費者公開表達他(她)們的不滿、而且採取的是多重抱怨管道。有此可見,企業「確保產品品質」或「第一次就將服務做好」有其必要。 一旦廠商或業務員能取得顧客信任,顧客就比較可能會原諒公司偶發的缺失。因此,企業可必要藉由各種方法建立顧客對公司的信任。 本研究同時也發現:男性在抱怨行為上通常會比女性來得理性。因此一旦顧客產生抱怨之後,企業還應針對不同性別採取適當的溝通方式。本文同時也提出研究上之限制及對未來研究之建議。 Consumer complaint behavior has acquired foreign scholars and practitioners` interests in the past decade. An examination of consumer complaints and its consequences is critical in interpreting and predicting repurchase behavior and brand loyalty. Furthermore, whether consumer complaints are fairly handled directly affects consumers` interest and social welfare. Consequently, consumer complaint behavior deserve the attention of business and the government. However, research regarding Taiwanese consumers` complaint behavior is limited. If business ignores what harm customers may cause after they are dissatisfied, it loses the opportunity to retain customers and to discover the clues for product improvement. Complaint behavior being ignored, consumers may lower their confidence in business and the government. Especially in the era of market liberalization and increasing emphasis on consumerism, an understanding of consumers` complaint behavior in Taiwan is necessary. This research utilized in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey to examine Taiwanese consumers` complaint behavior. The results indicate that after-sale-services are important in reducing consumer complaints. Only customers` needs are thoroughly understood, can business provide satisfactory after-sale-services. Secondly, the ways of complaint handling deserve business`s attention. The attitude and level of complaint handing persons, and compensation provided are important to reduce negative results and retain angry customers. Thirdly, the role of The Consumer Foundation of Taiwan in protecting consumer rights has been validated by the respondents. The Consumer Foundation of Taiwan can further improve its function by investigating further what consumers really need in regards to product or service information. Fourth, more and more customers make multiple public complaints (such as making complaints to friends and business) when they are not satisfied with purchased products or services. To avoid negative Word-of-Mouth communications due to these complaints, business has to provide the right product or service at the first time. Fifth, customers are more willing to forgive business`s occasional mistakes once trust has been established among customers. Therefore, business is in need of building trust with customers. Finally, male respondents are more rational than female in making complaints. As a result, business should adopt different approaches to deal complaints raised by males and females. Limitations of this research and suggestions for further studies are also proposed. |