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Title: | 德國對外關係中之人權政策研究- 以南非為例 The Human Rights Diplomacy of Germany—A Case Study based on South Africa |
Authors: | 陳昶羽 |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 陳昶羽 |
Keywords: | 德國 南非 人權政策 種族隔離 經濟援助 發展合作 Germany South Africa human rights policy Apartheid economic assistance development cooperation |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-25 15:30:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 第二次世界大戰之後,西德外交政策無法自主發揮,人權議題在西德對外政策扮演的角色並不重要,也常淪為東西方兩大陣營對抗與衝突下的犧牲品。德國在1990年實現統一大業後,國際關係所受的束縛大為減少,提升德國國際地位在德國國內的呼聲也不斷,德國積極參與安全、經濟和社會領域等國際事務以增強其發言權,並以「文明國家」(Zivilmacht)的國際關係文明化等全球治理理念作為外交政策的主軸。在此背景下,德國跳脫原本冷戰時期兩極格局的思維,針對國際人權議題在冷戰時期長期處於工具化的現象,做了不少修正。本篇論文主要在探討德國在統一前與統一後對外關係中的人權政策有何不同之處,以及分析德國對外關係上,影響人權政策的推動因素為何。文中將藉德國對南非關係的人權政策案例研究,舉證並推論此二研究問題的結果。 研究發現,統一前西德對外關係的人權政策並非該國政策的核心,統一之後人權理念才轉為制定所有政策的總體目標,並貫穿德國內政與外交的一切政治領域。以南非為例,不論是1991年前針對南非種族隔離政策的制裁,或是1991年後轉向提供南非合作計畫與經濟援助,德國對外的人權政策時常面臨人權和國家經濟利益之間的矛盾,德國整體的人權外交政策具有「文明國家」為內涵,亦含有現實主義的「貿易國家」思維在內,只是隨著國內外背景因素轉變,兩種型態的外交政策取向時有消長。統一前因國際政治的現實限制了西德人權外交的發展,統一後德國「文明國家」的外交人權理念的成分提高,然而透過推動價值觀導向的人權外交原則的同時,德國亦將結合國家整體利益考量,以符合行動最大化的指標。 After the World War II (WWII), West Germany was hamstrung in its foreign policy. Human rights issues were of little importance in the contexture of confrontation between the East and the West. However, after the German Unification in 1990, the country had a greater say in its external relations and also saw increasing domestic demand to enhance its prowess in the world. Since then, Germany had stepped up its efforts to participate in the fields of safety, economy, society and other international affairs and placed “Zivilmacht (civilized country)” and other concepts concerning global governance as the main pillars in its foreign policy. Against this backdrop, Germany has abandoned the traditional thinking constraint by the bipolar system and made some modifications to the international human rights issues which were said to be instrumentalized during the Cold War. The thesis is targeted at explaining the differences of human rights policy in Germany’s external relations before and after its unification and analyzing the variants behind the differences. There is also a case study regarding German’s human rights policy toward South Africa (SA), which further elucidates the above questions. In the thesis, we can realize that human rights were not highlighted in Germany’s external human rights policy before the unification. After the unification, human rights were thus transformed into an ultimate goal which dominates all political aspects in internal and external affairs in Germany. Take South Africa for example. Germany’s foreign policy used to be confronted with the conflicts between human rights and economic benefits no matter in the sanction against SA for the Apartheid before 1991 or the cooperation and economic assistance programs with SA after 1991. Therefore, we can realize that Germany’s external human rights policy is a mixture of the “civilized country” and realistic mercantilism. With the general environmental factors transforming, the two types of foreign policies prevail in turn. Before the unification, Germany’s human rights diplomacy was constraint by the reality of international politics. The concept of civilized country began to factor in Germany’s diplimacy after the unification. However, with promoting human rights diplomacy, Germany also puts high esteem on its national interests in order to exert its capacity to the fullest amount. |
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