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Title: | 情緒在最後通諜賽局中的影響及預測 Emotions and Economic Decision Making in Ultimatum Game Experiments: An Approach based on Artificial Emotional Agents |
Authors: | 林家仰 Lin, Chia Yang |
Contributors: | 陳樹衡 Chen, Shu Heng 林家仰 Lin, Chia Yang |
Keywords: | 人工情緒 交易媒介 性別 最後通諜賽局 artificial emotion medium gender ultimatum game |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-25 15:27:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 關於情緒和決策的相關討論,在近期實驗經濟學的研究上,一直是非常熱絡的課題。在各種研究的方法中,最後通牒賽局一直是文獻上一種最廣為使用來探究情緒和決策之間關係的實驗方法。本研究利用最後通牒賽局實驗的結果,建構出一套人工情緒模型,來反推並探究受試者互動過程中,內生產生的情緒對決策的影響。在不受外力干擾下,我們假設受試者的情緒在最後通牒賽局中,可能在兩個情況下被觸發,其一是當提案被接受或拒絕時,以及,當提案的數字和心中設想有落差時都可能產生情緒。同時在我們的最後通牒賽局中,也設計使用金錢和巧克力進行實驗,以嘗試了解貨幣與非貨幣在決策中,是否帶來差異性的情緒刺激。我們的研究採用智慧型代理人基模型,並透過蒙地卡羅模擬,來測試不同參數下我們設定的人工情緒是否能對決策產生影響。借由模擬的方式,不僅讓我們可以借此檢驗情決策行為受情緒改變的顯著程度,更能進一步的觀察不同的交易媒介和受試者性別差異帶來的行為改變。 The ultimatum game has been frequently used as an economic laboratorial environment to study the significance of emotions in economic decision making. While in the ultimatum game literature it has been often argued that respondents may react emotionally to the unfair offers made by the proposer, in this article we make the first attempt to propose a model of the artificial emotional agent to examine the empirical relevance of the emotional behavioral model using data from the ultimatum game experiments. The artificial-agent approach allows us to hypothesize each kind of possible interaction between the proposer and the respondent that may be emotionally cueing. In this article, we build our artificial agents with two possible emotionally cueing mechanisms: one is called the nay-based emotion and the other is called the reference-based emotion. Both emotions can be quantified with different behavioral parameters. Using Monte Carlo simulation, we are able to examine how strongly these two emotions can affect how proposer announces his/her offers and why responder considers accepting or rejecting the offer. The artificial agent approach is applied to a fine analysis by taking into account the exchange medium, i.e., money and chocolate, as well as gender. Hence, not only can we examine generally the significance of emotions in decision making, but also can have a fine look at the difference caused by the exchange medium and gender. |
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