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    Title: 兩岸人才流動之現狀與趨勢─以金融業為例
    Present Situation and Trend of Cross-Strait Talent Flow— Financial Industry as an Example
    Authors: 李楚喻
    Contributors: 童振源
    Keywords: 兩岸
    financial openness
    talent flow
    financial talent
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-25 15:25:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人才對於促進一國經濟發展的重要性,從人力資本理論在二十世紀五、六十年代興起以來,隨著知識經濟來臨,受到廣泛的重視便可得知。面對中國大陸經濟迅速發展,人才的需求越來越高,台灣卻存在人才流失及金融產業競爭力下降等現象。尤其近幾年來,台灣與中國往來密切,兩岸貿易及業務越趨開放,人才流動也更加頻繁。
    Talent, one of the most important factors of fostering a country’s economic development, has caught great attention with the development of knowledge economy since human capital theory boomed in 1950s and 1960s. With the rapid growth of Chinese economy, the demand of talent is huge. As for Taiwan, it is facing brain drain and the decrease of competitiveness in financial industry. Especially in recent years, the relationship is getting closer between Taiwan and China. The trade and business are increasing, as well as talent flow.
    In terms of financial communication, Taiwan and China have made a big progress since the agreement of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in November, 2009. However, it may worsen the problem of brain drain in Taiwan. In order to get a clear idea of this situation, the research thesis examines the condition and discusses the reasons by analyzing cross-strait financial exchange experience and interviewing professionals from academic and industrial fields. The findings are as follows.
    Due to economic growth, talent strategy with nation strengthening and the demand of financial market in China, the cross-strait talent flow is unbalanced. It shows that banking industry, securities industry and insurance industry have their own type of talent flow within recent years. Generally speaking, the cross-strait financial talent flow started from 2001, with Chinese financial industry’s poaching to learn more skills and foreign financial industry’s training to expand their business in greater China. Until 2009 when the agreement of MOU was signed, it changed by more and more expatriates in China sending from Taiwanese financial industry. Furthermore, the research thesis analyzes the reasons through Pull and Push Theory, which salary structure, policies and financial market are pull factors of China, while social integration, career path plan, family, dwelling environment, etc. are push factors of China. These factors variably affect peoples’ decisions by their own concern. Finally, the thesis comes up with pros and cons of financial talent flow and thus tells the problems which Taiwanese economic circumstances are facing.
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