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    Title: 人蔘皂苷產業發展與行銷策略規劃之研究- 以韓國高麗蔘皂苷個案為例
    Study Of Ginsenosides Industry Development and Marketing Strategic Planning - In the Case of Korea Ginsenosides.
    Authors: 詹治東
    Chan, Chih Ton
    Contributors: 楊建民
    Chan, Chih Ton
    Keywords: 預防醫學
    Preventive Medication
    Ginseng saponin
    Biotechnology of Chinese herbal Health Supplement
    Marketing Plan
    Case Study
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-25 15:17:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,隨著「預防醫學」與「自我照護」觀念的崛起,使現代人愈來愈重視平日身體之保養,因此各項保健品日趨受到重視。保健品以生物科技技術所製成的保健品為全球保健市場最大宗,並成為全球未來產業升級發展的重心。其中中草藥保健市場亦因逐漸廣為西方各國家所接受,讓中草藥市場登向高峰。
    在探討完相關文獻後,本文欲針對韓國高麗蔘皂苷產業之-「韓國人蔘科學公社」(GINSENG SCIENCE INC., GCI) 進行個案研究,對於高麗蔘皂苷的行銷規劃、創新遠見、未來人蔘市場敏銳度等進行探討,並且希望於其中可獲得珍貴的經驗與心得。
    As “Preventive Medication” and “Self-Care” awareness became highly popularized in the recent years, more people are putting great emphasis on research for methods of personal health care. Due to this rise in demand, health supplements which are developed using biotechnological technologies have became a major sector in the development of global industries. One important aspect of the future growth in the health care supplements market is the increasingly wide acceptance of Chinese Herbal health supplements in western countries, leading to a new peak of demands for Chinese Herbal health supplement.

    The author of this article, having come from a family with deep ancient history in the marketing of ginseng, is well acknowledged of the healing effects and properties of Ginseng and Ginseng related biotechnology industry. Through this article the author will document the past and present of ginseng usage in the Chinese Herbal health supplement market. By using collective data the author will depict the concept of using Chinese Herbal health supplements as a means of global preventive medication, as well as describe in detail the meaning of "Biotechnological Ginseng" and its effectiveness in aiding the readers to fully grasp the concept of the research topic in this article.

    In retrospect to the collective data, this article will further discuss in detail the case study of Korean ginseng saponin company GINGSENG SCIENCE INC., GCI. By studying this case study, the author will discuss in depth the marketing strategy, innovative perspective, and the future ginseng market sensitivity of this company in the hopes that the case study will offer precious experience and insight into this very special market.

    This article then conclude by comparing past experience to the current global demand for Chinese Herbal health supplement and discussing the complexity presented in the Chinese Herbal Health supplement markets of China.

    Furthermore proposing a Korean Ginseng Saponin market strategy with a concept of strategically developing a Ginseng Valley in China. First by introducing Korean Ginseng Saponin into the Chinese ginseng market and gaining market share in China`s ginseng market, and thus developing a Ginseng valley in China to locally produce and market ginseng saponin. By utilizing biotechnology methods to industrialize upgraded ginseng production, the byproduct has great growth potential in several different fields such as developing a new brand, aiding in local tourism, and connecting innovative cultural related industries through multi-faced integration. This will be a blueprint for future upgraded biotechnological ginseng industry, the strategical integration of industry, and business developmental strategy in China.
    Reference: 中文部份

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