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Title: | 行動裝置APP價值創新與擴散之研究─以LINE為例 A Research into the Value Creation and Diffusion of Mobile APPs on Cases of LINE |
Authors: | 黃詩貽 Huang, Szu Yi |
Contributors: | 姜國輝 Chiang, Kuo Huie 黃詩貽 Huang, Szu Yi |
Keywords: | 創新擴散理論 思考可能性模式 延伸的科技接受度模型 個人涉入 應用程式內購買 innovation diffusion theory elaboration likelihood model extended technology acceptance model Personal Involvement in-App purchases |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-25 15:16:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自從Apple於2007年推出了第一隻iPhone,智慧型裝置的時代也來臨。HTC也從2008年開始陸續發表了數隻Android為系統的手機。iPhone與各廠牌Android系統手機的競爭炒熱了智慧型手機的市場。於2013年,智慧型手機的全球銷售量終於超過了一般功能性手機 (Feature Phone)。智慧型裝置的流行也帶動了行動應用程式(Mobile Apps)的發展。智慧型手機系統的兩大龍頭Google與Apple皆於2013年宣布其應用程式商店的應用程式數量已經超過五千萬,而且下載量也超過一百萬次。隨著應用程式產業的蓬勃發展,也出現了各式各樣的營利模式,其中應用內購買(In-App Purchasing)是最近比較流行的一種模式。 本研究試圖了解影響使用者購買應用程式內商品的變數,並以有多樣種類商品的LINE為研究案例。本研究的假設是建立於創新擴散理論(Innovation Diffusion Theory)、深思可能性模式(Elaboration Likelihood Model)以及延伸的科技接受度模型(Extended-TAM)。 本研究以問卷的方式調查使用者行為並收集了301個有效樣本,並以SmartPLS分析資料。研究結果發現:一、社會網絡對於使用者購買應用程式內商品的態度沒有直接關系;二、社會網絡影響使用者的感知趣味性以及個人涉入程度;三、使用者的感知趣味性以及個人涉入程度對於使用者購買應用程式內商品的態度有直接影響。 Since Apple introduced the first iPhone in 2007, the market share of smart devices is raging. HTC introduced several Android-based smart phones in 2008. The competition between iPhone and Android phones has heated up the market of smartphone. By 2013, worldwide sales of smartphones surpassed sales of feature phone. The prevailing state of smart devices has also stimulated the development of mobile application (Apps) industry. In year 2013, both Apple and Google announced that the number of Apps published in their stores has reached over 1 million Apps and the number of Apps downloaded has reached over 50 billion. Among all profit models of Apps, in-App purchasing is becoming the favorable one. This study attempts to understand the causes that would influence users’ behavior when deciding to purchase products in Apps such as LINE. The model of the study is based on Innovation Diffusion Theory, Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (Extended-TAM). In this study, data was collected from 301 valid respondents through both online questionnaires and paper copies. SmartPLS was employed as data analysis tools. Result revealed that: (1) Social network effects hardly have direct impact on the attitude toward in-App purchases; (2) Social network effects have impact on a user’s perceived playfulness and personal involvement; and (3) A user’s perceived playfulness and personal involvement have impact on the attitude toward in-App purchases. |
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