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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/69193
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    Title: 價格敏感度與價格比較之關係-探討行動裝置自我效能之調節效應
    Mobile Device Self-efficacy as a Moderator for the Relationship between Price Sensitivity and Price Comparison
    Authors: 魏啓源
    Contributors: 管郁君
    Keywords: 行動商務
    Mobile commerce
    Mobile device
    Price sensitivity
    Price comparison.
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-25 15:15:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來行動裝置已是相當地普遍且普及率逐年快速成長,由Google在2013年對台灣的市場調查報告中可知,台灣智慧型手機普及率已達51%,而隨著各種不同功能的應用服務之增加,行動裝置已經改變了我們許多的生活習慣,其影響力更是不可忽視。


    Mobile devices are more and more popular today. According to Google’s market report, smart phone penetration rate has reached 51% in Taiwan in 2013. With various features and increasing applications, mobile devices have changed our daily lives in many ways.

    There is much literature exploring the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison behavior. However there is no such research exploring the relationship in a mobile device setting. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study price comparison behavior on a mobile device. Specifically, I explore the moderating effect of mobile device self-efficacy on the relationship between price sensitivity and price comparison on a mobile device. In the paper, I develop a conceptual model according to literature review. To measure constructs in the model, I identify appropriate items based on literature and revise the items to fit the study.

    Data were collected using online questionnaires. The survey population is common shoppers in Taiwan who are using mobile device. Total 504 valid samples were obtained. As for data analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM) and multiple-group analysis were used to test the model. The results show that the moderating effect of mobile device self-efficacy is significant. Price-sensitive shoppers compare prices on a mobile device only when they consider themselves capable of operating the device. Specifically, for high price-sensitive shoppers, high mobile device self-efficacy make them much more intend to compare prices on a mobile device. The study has many implications especially when mobile device is becoming a commodity and product prices cannot be more transparent.
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