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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/69177
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    Title: 產品上市前最被廣為討論的產品面向:以iPhone為例
    Identifying Most-buzzed Product Aspects in Pre-launch Stage: iPhone Case Study
    Authors: 傅思瑜
    Fu, Szu Yu
    Contributors: 唐揆
    Tang, Kwei
    Fu, Szu Yu
    Keywords: 使用者創作內容
    User-generated Content
    product aspects
    aspect extraction
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-25 15:13:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來使用者創作內容受到廣泛的重視,其對大眾的影響力讓社群網路與產品評論網站上各種形式的發表內容都成為學者研究的對象。與產品相關的使用者創作內容,依發表的時間點,大致可分為產品上市前的討論和產品評論兩種。目前針對面向萃取的研究多以線上產品評論為分析資料,然而對廠商而言,若以此資料萃取出的產品面向作為行銷訊息的主題,則可能忽略了消費者在購買產品前後所在意的產品面向可能有所不同的情形。

    在產品上市前的猜測、討論或謠言(buzzes or rumors)通常反映出群眾對產品面向的期待,本研究以此為分析資料,並從中找出產品在發表前被熱烈討論的產品面向。研究發現不同於產品評論資料,產品上市前的討論中,和功能無關的面相如售價、上市日期、手機外殼材質和顏色等,都是群眾關注的焦點。實驗結果讓廠商更能掌握大眾在實際接觸產品前最在意的產品面向,亦可在行銷產品時更有效地製造話題與達到吸引關注的目的。
    User-generated content (UGC) has drawn much attention in recent years and researchers study all forms of UGC because of its huge impact. According to the time when UGC is produced, there are two major types of product-related UGC: pre-launch buzzes and product reviews. The previous studies on product aspect extraction mainly use online product reviews as research dataset. However, forming marketing message only on the basis of these aspects might neglect the fact that people focus on different aspects before their purchase.

    Prediction, buzzes and rumors in pre-launch stage usually confer the expectation of product aspects. Using product-related UGC in pre-launch stage as dataset, this paper aims to identify the most buzzed product aspects before a product is even launched. Unlike the result extracted from product reviews, people frequently buzz about non-functional aspects such as price, release date, and color and material of mobile phone case in pre-launch stage. Firms can see the findings as a reference while formulating marketing message. By keeping track of these aspects, marketing practitioners could create buzzes and promote new a product more efficiently.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101355057
    Data Type: thesis
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