Abstract: | 本研究的目的係在瞭解老人家屬照顧者對各項老人福利服務的認知情形;探討家屬照顧者為老人權益而與正式服務體系中機構接觸的情形;分析家屬照顧者執行個案管理任務的情形;及其對各項家庭照顧者支持性方案的態度。研究方法方面,針對台北縣新店市和高雄縣鳳山市領取敬老福利津貼的老人之同住的成年兒子、媳婦、女兒、女婿,進行面訪問卷調查,總計訪問了368位老人。 家屬照顧者知道的福利措施以老人乘車半價優待為最多,其次是老人免費健康檢查,在其次是老人長青學苑/老人大學。一般說來,家屬照顧者對於那些針對一般老人提供或較可獲得的服務措施知道的比例較那些針對失能老人為對象或供給尚未十分普遍的項目知道的比例為高。 家屬照顧者為了家中老人的事情而最常去找的機構是醫院,其次是銀行、郵局、農會等金融機構,再其次是市公所。又家屬照顧者目前較為積極扮演的角色是:訊息提供者、申領過程中的代辦者、與正式機構打交道的協商者,而為家中老人權益倡導的角色則較少扮演。至於對家庭照顧者福利措施之看法,贊成比例最高的前三項是:「提高扶養親屬寬減額」、「三代同堂優先承購國宅」及「居家護理服務」。 The purpose of this study is to examine the service awareness among family caregivers for elderly people, to understand the mediator role which family caregivers play in contact with formal organizations, to explore the case management tasks that are carried out by family caregivers, and to analyze the attitude towards social service programs for family caregivers. Interview survey method is used to collect data. 368 family caregivers are interviewed. The most well-known three service programs to family caregivers are: public bus reduced fare, free health examination, and evergreen education program. Generally speaking, the service programs which are eligible for all senior citizens are known more than programs which only serve disabled old people. The formal organizations which family caregivers contact most are: hospitals, banks or post office or farmers` union, and city government. Sixty percent of family caregivers report that they act as information providers, half act as brokers to apply for services and entitlement, nearly half act as mediators with formal organization, but only a few act as advocate. |