Abstract: | 兩岸在外交上競逐,係源自主權爭議及伴隨而生之外交作為,因此欲使兩岸達成外交休戰,根本上,應促成兩岸在主權爭議問題上達成擱置之共識,雙方容或可各自堅持對中國之「法理主權」,但雙方亦應承認各自在擁有之中國領土上,行使有效管轄之「事實主權」。準此,兩岸在「一個中國,兩個對等政治實體」關係架構下,談判協商,交流互動,尋求未來中國統一模式。惟在未完成最後統一之前,兩岸實應在「一個中國,兩個完整國際法人」共有認知下,接受國際社會成員對兩岸進行「平行承認」,並接受國際組織對兩岸之「平行代表權」安排。在具體作為上,兩岸政府皆應作出積極貢獻。以我政府而論,在外交政策與施為上已呈現外交休戰之訊息,既不否認中共管轄中國大陸之事實,亦不挑戰其原有之國際地位,可謂已展現出最大誠意。然而,國內台獨意識未戢,「務實外交」理念及作為又為中共刻意曲解,因此,我國政府應積極促成國內朝野追求中國統一之共識,重申外交理念及作為與「兩個中國」、「一中一台」或「台灣獨立」無涉。至於中共方面,「一國兩制」統一中國之安排,及其所衍生之對台政策,包括武力威脅及外交封鎖兩手策略,中共皆應重新檢討。蓋「一國兩制」之中央對地方關係架構,並不符合兩岸對等共存事實,因而有回歸現實並予更正之必要。武力威脅及外交封鎖兩手策略,既是為「一國兩制」政治目的服務,故在重新檢視兩岸關係現實後,亦應無繼續實施之必要。因此,惟有解除兩岸敵對狀態、互不以武力相威脅,始能和平協商統一模式,亦僅有解除對我外交封鎖,達成外交上休戰,始能創造兩岸談判之互信基礎。然基於現實,在中共仍未轉變傳統主權觀念及對台僵化政策之前,促使兩岸達成外交休戰之芻議,亦僅能視為係我一廂情願之作法。 The diplomatic rivalry between two sides of the Taiwan Strait originated from their disputes on the subject of China`s sovereignty and their inducing reactions in the international community. Therefore, the consensus between them is necessary, if they want to settle these disputes to attain the diplomatic truce. Although both sides insist their legitimacy on representing the "de jure sovereignty of China", they must recognize the fact that there are two entities on Chinese territory under their different effective jurisdiction (e.g. de facto sovereignty). Accordingly, under the reality of "one China, two equal political entities", they may pursue the goal of national unity. In the meantime, under "one China policy", two complete international legal persons must be recognized through the "parallel recognition" by the members of international society. It must be done the same through the "parallel representation" in all international organizations. In fact, the ROC government has recognized Peking regime having its jurisdiction over the Chinese mainland and has declared no intention to challenge Chinese communist`s international status. Thanks to the soaring call for independence by a lots of independentists and the misunderstanding of "pragmatic diplomacy" by Chinese communist, the ROC government should stress its adherence to the China`s unification policy and do its best to dispel the opposing views of independentists. As to Chinese communist, it must revise its "one country, two systems" policy and its "use of force" attitude vis-a-vis Taiwan. The experience of German reunification has taught us that the only way to promote the aim of China`s unification is through peaceful negotiation to abandon hostile treating gesture. The unique path for two sides to proceed to negotiations is firstly to attain the diplomatic truce. Because of Chinese communist` stubborn traditional ideas of sovereignty and its inflexible Taiwan policy, our proposals can be viewed only as unilateral aspiration. |