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Title: | 自由行營運模式之研究-以外國旅客遊台灣為例 Research on the package of business model - A Case Study of foreign tourists travel to Taiwan |
Authors: | 林淑貞 Lin, Shu Chen |
Contributors: | 于卓民 Yu, Chwo Ming 林淑貞 Lin, Shu Chen |
Keywords: | 自由行 體驗經濟 個性化服務 產品豐富度 自由行營運模式 網路平台 back-pack tour experience economy customized service product richness package of business model network platform |
Date: | 2013 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-12 14:03:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著各國經濟的發展,消費者自主意識的增強,消費觀念的改變,基礎建設及旅遊接待設施更加完善,及資訊科技的快速發展與高度應用,智慧型手機、PAD等移動裝置普及、行動通訊網際網路速度提升,讓資訊傳遞迅速且無遠弗屆,再加上低成本航空的發展,帶動自由行市場的成長,成為另一股旅遊市場主流趨勢。 而隨著國民旅遊經驗的成熟,自由行消費者的心理需求將進入更高的層次,消費者對旅遊供應商提供的服務及產品會變得更加挑剔,而個性化的服務和產品豐富度將成為旅遊行業的核心競爭力。 但市場上提供之傳統的機加酒服務 ,已無法滿足消費者,本次論文藉由對於旅遊服務提供者雄獅旅行社之個案研究,透過其網路平台之創新服務及產業垂直整合上萬家旅遊服務提供者之基礎,貫穿創意、資訊、服務,提供消費者全方位需求與價值,建立有別於一般旅遊業者不同之商業模式;雄獅旅遊運用雲端整合平台,即時掌握全球供應商的資訊與品質;旅遊元件供應商-機票、住宿、景點、餐食、交通、導遊、遊程可藉此平台即時提供產品及服務,消費者可透過雄獅旅遊網站即時預訂平台即時預訂遊程,所有票價、艙等、可售機位、房價、可售房型、房量及地接遊程等訊息全部與各元件供應商同步更新,確保訊息及時準確,真正實現了“可見即可訂”,只要有就可以安心預訂,並即刻得到確認。預訂確認單將自動以手機簡訊、傳真或電子郵件的方式回覆消費者,省去了旅行社與供應商、旅行社與消費者進行人工確認的繁瑣程序,同時給消費者帶來最佳的預訂體驗。實現具有專業產業知識之服務提供者與網路平台彼此充分結合,強化核心競爭力之科技力(Technology Base)、知識力(Knowledge Base)、文創力(Culture & Creation Base),將「創新」有效整合成創造「體驗經濟」的一種商業型態經營模式。 The back-pack tour has grown and become another main stream of travel market. The main drivers behind such growth include the development of national economies, rise of consumer self-awareness, changes in consuming attitudes, more perfection of Infrastructure and tourism reception facilities, rapid development and high application of information technology, the popularity of Mobile devices such as smartphone and PAD, the rapid and wide information transmission because of the boost of mobile communication technology and internet speed, and the development of low-cost aviation. With more and more traveling experience, individual travelers nowadays demand more when they go back-pack tour. They also become much pickier toward the service and products provided by travel suppliers. Since the traditional flight and Hotel package service cannot fulfill customers anymore, customized service and product richness has become the core competitiveness of the travel business. Based on the case study of Lion Travel Agent, a Taiwanese tourism service provider, the thesis builds up a business model different from other tourism providers. Through the analysis of the innovative services of Lion Travel Agent’s network platform and the vertical integration in tens of thousands of tourism service providers, the business model offers a full range of consumer needs and values through creativities, information, and services. Lion Travel Company uses cloud integrated platform to control the information and quality from global suppliers immediately. The traveling suppliers (Picture 4-2) –flight tickets, hotels, resorts, foods, transportation, tour guides and trips- can use through this platform to provide products and services. Consumers can use the website of Lion Travel, which is booking platform immediately, to book a trip such as prices and categories of tickets, available flight tickets, prices of hotels, available room types, number of rooms and trip schedule, which are the information can be updated in synchronicity by various suppliers. It could make sure the information is accurate and prompt. In addition, it can realize “viewable is bookable.” When it is available to be booked, it’s 100% to be booked. Furthermore, it will get the confirmation immediately. The confirmation of booking will be sent by cellphone messages, fax or email to reply consumers. It assists travel agencies and suppliers or agencies and consumers to reduce the complicated procedures from human powers. The approach will bring the best booking experience for consumers. Moreover, to realize the model fully integrated the service providers with the network platform, and also strengthens the Technology Base, Knowledge Base, and Culture & Creation Base of the core competitiveness; it effectively integrated “innovation” into a business management model of “experience economy” creation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 101932024 102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101932024 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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