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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/68521
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    Title: 供應鏈上游公司分析師財務預測修正與下游公司盈餘預測資訊之關聯性
    The Association between Analysts’ Forecast Revision and Management Earnings Forecast from Firms in the Supply Chain
    Authors: 粘凱婷
    Nien, Kai Ting
    Contributors: 金成隆

    Chin, Chen Lung
    Chang, Ching Fu

    Nien, Kai Ting
    Keywords: 分析師盈餘修正
    Analysts` Forecast Revision
    Supply Chain
    Management Earnings Forecast
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-12 14:00:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文研究分析師的盈餘預測行為是否與供應鏈下游公司所發布之盈餘預測資訊有關。過去文獻已經探討有關於資訊在產業內水平移轉的現象,本研究進一步分析資訊在上下游不同產業間垂直移轉(vertical information transfer)的現象。研究結果顯示,管理者盈餘預測資訊確實在供應鏈上下游間存在垂直資訊移轉。本研究同時發現,資訊在供應鏈上下游間垂直移轉的現象與供應鏈上下游公司間的經濟關聯性(economic bond)呈現正相關,而與供應鏈上游下游公司在供應鏈層級距離的差異(echelon distance)呈現負相關。本研究更進一步發現,當上下游公司間的經濟關聯性越強時,供應鏈層級距離越遠則垂直資訊移轉越弱的這個現象會隨著減緩。整體而言,本研究實證發現垂直資訊移轉現象的存在,且資訊在供應鏈間傳遞的強弱受到供應鏈上下游公司之間的經濟關聯性和層級距離遠近的影響。
    This dissertation examines whether the analysts’ forecast behavior is associated with management earnings forecast from relative downstream firms in the supply chain. Intuitively, information transfers are more likely to occur between economically related firms, such as firms in the same industry and firms along the supply chain. This study attempts to fill the void in the literature by examining the potential vertical information transfer along the supply chain facilitates financial analysts in making earnings forecasts. My research results indicate that the management forecast information transfer vertically along the supply chain. I further show that the vertical information transfer is more pronounced as the economic bond between the customer-supplier pairs become stronger and less pronounced as the echelon distance between the customer-supplier pairs goes far. I also indicate that the economic bond between the customer-supplier pairs reduce the impact of echelon distance between the customer-supplier pairs on the vertical information transfer.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096353503
    Data Type: thesis
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