Abstract: | 後共產主義時期匈牙利的政經發展,凸顯出下列特點: 1.「新經濟機制」改革模式提供匈牙利進一步政治改革的誘因。事實證明,實踐二十年曾一度深受佳評的所謂「匈牙利模式」,卻檢驗出並非「真理」,還得要改弦易轍,徹頭徹尾放棄社會主義制度,順應民主時代潮流,使政府權力和平轉移,樹立了社會主義國家和平革命和共黨脫胎換骨的典範。 2.匈牙利可名正言順做為戰後改寫歐洲地理政治的策劃者而無愧。布達佩斯政府決定開放奧、匈邊界,導致東德難民潮的出現,拖垮東德共黨政權,使東西德奇蹟般的實現和平統一。也由於德國的統一,牽動了經互會和華約組織長期維繫東歐安全和經濟一體化的機制,隨之解體。 3.後共產主義時期匈牙利的改革進程,助力多於阻力。其助力,即改革環境深具天時、地利、人和三要件。惟現階段匈牙利的改革也面臨某種阻力,如「非共化」初期各政黨熱衷權力鬥爭,拖延法案修訂,多少耽誤改革進程;同時巴爾幹爆發流血衝突,難民湧入,以及經互會瓦解,獨聯體成員和其他在東歐國家經濟狀況普遍不佳等因素,對其剛起步的市場經濟,也產生一定程度的衝擊。 總之,匈牙利憑其平和、穩健、理性的步伐,為社會主義運動史寫下突變而創新的篇章。 The political and economic development in Hungary in the Post-Communism era bears three distinguished characters. First, the `New Economic Mechanism` offered Hungarians incentives to induce further political reform. But, the fact was that the so-called `Hungarian pattern` with good reputations in the past 20 years did not prove to be the ultimate good model. The Hungarians may have to give up the socialist system thoroughly, so that a peaceful transition of power can be obtained, which made a good demonstration of peaceful revolution and radical reform upon communism for socialist states. Secondly, Hungary certainly is the planner of changing European geopolitics after W.W.II. The Budapest government decided to open the border with Austria, which led to a flee of enormous East German refugees and to tumble the Honecker regime eventually, and carry out the miracular peaceful reunion of Germany. Because of the German reunion, the mechanism of Comecon and Warsaw Pact that had maintained the stability and economic integrity of the East European countries in the Cold War years broke up thereby. Thirdly, the Hungarian reform in the Post-communism period bears more advantages than its disadvantages. A main advantages in the reform in Hungary included three major factors contributing to the reform environment, the wonderful change, excellent location and the national character of calmness. However at this stage of the Hungarian reform the government also confronted some difficulty. For examples, the power struggle between parties in the early period of `non-communism` delayed the creating of a framework and obstructed reform itself conflict in the Balkan which brought in refugees, the disunion of Comecon, and the prevailing economic predicament in CIS and other Eastern European countries would affect the Hungarian market economy to some extent. To sum up, Hungary has shown a good example of achieving a smooth transition from authoritarian to democracy. |