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    Title: 社會創新的師徒傳承關係:以賴青松和黃聲遠的兩個個案為例
    Mentoring Processes in Social Innovation: Two Cases from Taiwan
    Authors: 朱思年
    Contributors: 吳靜吉
    Keywords: 社會創新
    social innovation
    mentoring relationship
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:57:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會創新是將舊有的智慧與新穎的點子創意結合之後,創造新的問題解決方案,經由創新執行的過程產生影響力,達到促進社會變遷的目的,是社會未來發展的重要驅動力。以社會創新為使命的社會創業家,在創新和創業的過程中都需要累積的經驗與專業知識的引導和心理社會的支持,而師徒關係(包含同儕師徒關係與反向師徒關係)的建立與維持可以提供社會創業家所需的支持與引導,擁有師徒關係協助的社會企業家,樂於承先啟後擔任年輕人的導師,因此師徒關係亦為有效培育社會創業家的方法。
    本研究嘗試回答的問題是:(1)社會創業家的社會創新來源、社會創新類型、社會影響力和其解決的未滿足社會需求為何? (2)社會創新中的師徒關係屬於何種發展網絡類型? (3)社會創新中的師徒關係具備何種師徒關係的功能?。為回答上述問題,本研究選擇擁有師徒傳承關係和社會影響力的社會創業家為研究對象,因此選擇兩組個案:穀東俱樂部創辦人賴青松和田中央聯合建築師事務所創辦人黃聲遠為研究對象,藉由文獻探討、個案訪談和參與觀察,探討賴青松和黃聲遠兩位社會創業家的社會創新和兩組師徒的師徒關係內涵。

    Society’s ability to solve its most pressing problems is largely dependent on social innovation. By combining new ideas with old methods and knowledge, the solutions and changes brought about by social innovation make it the driving force behind future development. A social entrepreneur is someone who has taken social innovation as a core mission, and this requires support in the forms of experience, professional knowledge, and psychosocial acceptance. Mentoring relationships (including peer relationships and reverse mentoring) are one source of the support and navigational guidance a social entrepreneur needs. Further, social entrepreneurs who have benefited from the assistance of a mentoring relationship tend to become mentors in turn. Thus mentoring is an effective way to train future social entrepreneurs.
    This research seeks to answer the following questions: 1) For social entrepreneurs, where do their social innovations originate? What are the typologies of social innovations? What are their impacts, and what are the social needs left unresolved?; 2) Which developmental network typology does a social innovation mentoring relationship fall under?; 3) What kinds of mentoring functions are present among social innovators? To answer these questions, this study adopts a case study method based on two social entrepreneurs who have both had significant social impact and been engaged in mentoring relationships: 1) the GuDong Club founder Qing-Song Lai, and 2) Fieldoffice Architects founder Sheng-Yung Huang. The analysis and study was informed by an extensive literature review, and data gathered via in-depth interviews and participant observation.
    Regarding the GuDong Club, this study reveals that the source of their innovation is a combination of mutual risk sharing through commissioned planting, advanced purchasing, cooperative purchasing, and the creativity of its founders. Two social innovation typologies emerged from the analysis, including a new business model and new platform. Their innovations have helped generate solutions to challenges faced by small farmers, while providing guidance to future farmers, generating a customer base of over 1500 consumers over the past decade, and encouraging young people to study and pursue agriculture. Among those is a group that founded the Yilan Xiao Tian Tian (literally “little field”) program. Using community to create social impact, the GuDong Club has helped to revive agricultural village culture.
    Sheng-Yung Huang also utilizes the power of youth, attracting many young people to join his team. Fieldoffice Architects, a name adopted in 2012, offers an annual student internship program, through which some participants eventually become full team members. Their social innovations emerge from a combination of creative architecture, local features, and social concern, and the results have garnered substantial praise and acclaim. With a strong sense of social purpose at the core of Fieldoffice Architects’ values and operations, this case provides three typologies of social innovations: new products, new processes, and new organizational forms.
    In terms of mentoring relationships, results of both case studies provide evidence for the importance of mentoring in social innovation. Lai’s mentoring relationship is built on the procurement and sharing of diverse information through strong ties, and therefore can be considered an entrepreneurial development network. This provides professional career, psychosocial, and role modeling functions. Yilan Xiao Tian Tian can be viewed as a descendent of Lai’s, whereby the mentoring relationship can be characterized as both an entrepreneurial development network and traditional development network.
    Huang’s mentoring relationships can also be characterized as being within an entrepreneurial development network, providing similar professional career, psychosocial, and role modeling functions. Selecting two of his students, Yu-Xiang Hong and Huang-Xie-Yao Liu, as representative examples, the mentoring relationships can be seen as both part of an entrepreneurial development network and traditional development networks. Overall, Lai and Huang both receive support from peer and reverse mentoring relationships, in addition to passing on their mentoring relationship characteristics on to mentees.
    With governments around the world encouraging social innovation and youth entrepreneurship, the creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial processes revealed in these two cases, along with the characteristics of the mentoring relationships central to these social innovation processes, are worth learning from.

    Keywords: social innovation, metoring relationship
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4
    第三節 研究流程 5
    第二章 文獻檢閱 8
    第一節 社會創新 8
    第二節 師徒關係 25
    第三章 研究方法 54
    第一節 研究設計 54
    第二節 研究對象 57
    第三節 資料蒐集與分析 64
    第四章 個案介紹 66
    第一節 賴青松之師徒關係 66
    第二節 黃聲遠之師徒關係 146
    第五章 研究分析與結果 233
    第一節 穀東俱樂部之社會創新 233
    第二節 田中央之社會創新 239
    第三節 賴青松之社會創新發展因素 245
    第四節 黃聲遠之社會創新發展因素 252
    第五節 賴青松之向上向下師徒關係 257
    第六節 黃聲遠之向上向下師徒關係 265
    第七節 賴青松的兩代師徒關係功能 271
    第八節 黃聲遠的兩代師徒關係功能 278
    第六章 討論、結論與建議 287
    第一節 研究限制與討論 287
    第二節 結論 291
    第三節 建議 297
    參考文獻 301
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