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Title: | 永續校園政策執行評估之研究 The Evaluation of Implementation of Sustainable School Planning |
Authors: | 李顯榮 |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 吳政達 李顯榮 |
Keywords: | 永續校園 政策執行評估 AHP層級分析法 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2014-08-06 11:54:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣近年因應國際永續發展思潮,全國各級學校興起永續校園改造運動。 本研究以台灣地區國民中小學為對象,檢核教育部永續校園政策執行對各縣市及台灣地區北部與南部補助款與補助項目差異;利用文獻回顧法及層級分析法,建構永續校園政策執行評估指標及指標相對權重;檢核政策研究者與校園執行者及台灣地區北部與南部永續校園政策執行差異。探討政策執行成果、困境與解決方案,藉以了解影響教育政策執行因素,以提供政策擬定或修訂之參考。 In recent years, the schools in all levels in Taiwan have raised a sustainable school rebuilt movement in respond to the thoughts of sustainable development concept around the world. This paper studies on the elementary and junior high school campuses in Taiwan, and finds the related indicators groups and assessment indicators by literature reviewing and expert survey. It sieves out the appropriate assessment factors for sustainable campus, and get the relative weight value of each indicators group and assessment indicators with AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. With the relative weight value, we can find the difficulties, solutions and consequence of policy implementation. |
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