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    Title: 非典型勞動對職業訓練政策之挑戰-以日本為例
    Atypical labor challenge for vocational training policy - Japan, for example
    Authors: 王婷
    Wang, Ting
    Contributors: 王惠玲
    Wang, Hui Ling
    Wang, Ting
    Keywords: 非典型勞動
    atypical employment
    nonstandard employment
    vocational training
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-08-06 11:50:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 1980 年以後,非典型工作型態的使用逐漸受到重視,非典型工作的興起,和產業結構轉向服務業發展的變遷、經濟不景氣所導致的失業問題,以及年輕世代的價值觀改變等因素皆息息相關。非典型勞動者面臨的失業風險比典型勞動者大的許多,職業訓練係解決失業問題的根本手段,因此如何保障從事非典型工作的勞工就業安全、提供適當之職業訓練提升其專業技能,使其能與正職勞工獲得同樣或不相上下的最起碼待遇,應該是政府主管機關刻不容緩之問題。
    After 1980, the use of atypical working patterns gradually attention, the rise of atypical work is associate with the changes of industrial structureto service industry, the problem of unemployment caused by the economic decline, and the younger generation`s values are closely related to changes in other factors . Atypical workers facing unemployment risk is larger than many of the typical worker, vocational training system means to solve the unemployment problem, and how to protect the work of labor engaged in atypical employment security, to provide appropriate vocational training to enhance their professional skills to to get the same treatment is government authorities’ primary problem.
    This research aims to understand the Japanese in 2008 in response to the financial crisis to promote enterprise driven by the steady employment of hired stability, employment insurance benefits and vocational ability development system such as employment promotion measures. Meanwhile, the Japanese government also encourages owners to implement education and training, and to assist human capital accumulation relatively weak labor resume (for the work card system) in their efforts to enhance human capital.And to maintain its employ a stable policy measures in the hope that through Japan`s policy and related legal norms, provide the future of our government develop atypical labor policies in the direction of vocational training.
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