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    Title: 從新自由制度主義分析中日韓三邊經貿合作(2008-2013)
    China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Economic and Trade Cooperation: A Neoliberal Institutionalist Perspective
    Authors: 黃聖惠
    Huang, Sheng Hui
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Huang, Kwei Bo
    Huang, Sheng Hui
    Keywords: 新自由制度主義
    South Korea
    North East Asia
    International cooperation
    International institution
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-29 16:17:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,全球經貿活動因WTO下的多邊架構談判停滯不前而暫時走向區域化;加上金融危機後的東亞地區需要穩定的區域經濟,促使中國、日本與韓國三國之間萌生經貿合作的構想並逐漸制度化。本研究從新自由制度主義論述下,國際制度的功能以及無霸權存在的國際合作兩方面來分析並理解中日韓經貿合作的發展過程。三國各政府層級透過數次的正式、非正式及例行性會議安排,進行相互了解、匯集共識,逐步建立起互利互惠的具體合作安排。相關作為例如舉行中日韓高峰會、設置中日韓三國合作秘書處,並簽署中日韓投資協定與中日韓自由貿易區的共同研究和談判。

    Since the multilateral free trade negotiation under the WTO forum has been bogging down, States temporarily shift their free-trade policies to regional or bilateral FTA building. In addition, lessons learned from Asia economic and financial crisis make known that there’s a demand for stable regional circumstance in Northeast Asia. Accordingly, China, Japan and South Korea start their economic and trade cooperation under a trilateral framework. The governments of China, Japan and South Korea build mutual understanding and reach consensuses via lots of formal and informal meetings. As a result, in view of mutual interests and reciprocity, a trilateral economic and trade cooperation has been progressively constructed.

    This study based on the point of view from neo-institutionalism, arguing that the development of economic and trade cooperation among China, Japan, and South Korea is due to their rational behavior on pursuing mutual and shared interests. With the help of the functions of the international institutions, China-Japan-South Korea trilateral economic and trade cooperation could be gradually realized in North East Asia, without no presence of a regional hegemony.
    Reference: 一、英文文獻


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