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    Title: 以交叉延宕分析探討乳癌患者的創傷後成長與因應策略之關係
    The Relationships Between Coping Strategies and Posttraumatic Growth Among Women With Breast Cancer: A Cross-lagged Analyses
    Authors: 錢映融
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Keywords: 乳癌
    breast cancer
    posttraumatic growth
    cross-lagged analyses
    Date: 2013
    Issue Date: 2014-07-29 16:11:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的在探討不同治療階段中創傷後成長與因應策略之關係。由於過去創傷後成長與因應策略之間的研究,均是將創傷後成長視為個體因應後的結果,而忽略創傷後成長的經驗對個體的影響,因此本研究透過雙面神模式的理論,以更多元的角度來檢視「創傷後成長」,並將追蹤三個時間點,根據不同治療階段進一步提出三個假設模式,並採用交叉延宕分析(Cross-lagged analyses)來檢驗。
    研究方法採立意取樣,以中部某教學醫學之乳房中心的乳癌患者為對象,共262 人,蒐集患者之「基本資料」、「創傷後成長」及「因應策略」,並在術後三個月、術後六個月及術後一年進行問卷調查。資料分析以探索性因素分析將因應策略分為三個因素:「自我導向因應」、「社會導向因應」及「逃避因應」,並與創傷後成長進行交叉延宕分析。
    This study is aimed to investigate the relationships between coping strategies and Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) on three different timing of the breast cancer treatment. According to Janus-Faced Model, PTG is assumed as both a coping effort and a coping result. In order to investigate the possible relationships between coping strategies and PTG, three hypothetic models were proposed and tested by cross-lagged analyses.
    By purposive sampling, 262 participants were recruited from the breast center unit at a hospital in central Taiwan. Demographic and disease-related information were gathered after surgery. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and the Brief Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced scale (Brief COPE) were assessed 3, 6 and 12 months later. The Brief COPE included 3 factors: self-sufficient coping, socially-supported coping and avoidant coping. Each was assumed to associate with PTG differently.
    Results of the current study were as follows:
    1. Younger patients or women of higher education level reported more PTG, self-sufficient coping and socially-supported coping at T1.
    2. The reciprocal relation was found between self-sufficient coping and PTG within 6 months postsurgery, which indicated the positive effect of T1 self-sufficient coping on T2 PTG, as well as the reciprocal effects of T1 PTG on T2 self-sufficient coping.
    3. Higher level of PTG at T2 predicted more socially-supported coping at T3.
    4. Within 1 year postsurgery, there were no significant cross-lagged effects between avoidant coping and PTG, but only autoregressive correlations within constructs over time.
    Implications of these findings are discussed, along with potential directions for future research.
    Reference: 一、中文部分

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